john doe's lifespan developement

  • physical development 0-3 years

    When they are born they dont have control of their bodies,but from 1 year old going, they have a bit of control of their body and will start walking, they will also start developeing balance and from 2 to 3 they will start riding bicycles and be able to hold a ball; will be ready to start toilet training.
  • Period: to

    john doe

  • Period: to

    social develop

  • intelectual and emotional 0-3 years

    When children starts interacting with the environment, they start to organise their thoughts and develop an appropriate set of responses for dealing with in the world and when new experiences occur gives them more understanding of the world. emotional development is that one year old babies are able to learn about the effect their behaviour and express emotions through tears. two year olds finds it hard to express their emotions because of their temper and three year olds are more sensitive.
  • social development in 0-3 years old

    ny two months they start smiling at people, by three months they start responding to people when they talk to them. by five months they can recognise people who they know and Who they dont know and they form a relationship as they form an emotional attachment to their carers. later on in infancy they start interacting with different children their age called parallel play where people thinks that the children are playig together but realy they are playing by themselves
  • physical development in 4-9 years

    At this stage a childs head will be 90 per cent of adult age even though their body still has some growing to do. their reproductive organs remains small till they reach puberty. Also by this stage when they reach the age of 4 thats when they will know how to ride a bicycle and some would be able to run up and down the stairs 1 step at a time, they would able throw and catch a ball. by the age of 6 a child would be able to skip ropes.
  • intellectual and emotional development 4-9 years

    by this stage a child should be able to understand what counting is and should know a few numbers; also should know the name of a few colours. their vocabulary should also be good and should know a few thousand words. however emotional development is that children will use thier imagination to begin to understand their social roles that other people play, also the relationship between a child and their family makes them see how valued they are.
  • social development 4-9

    young children are usually emotionally attached to people who care for them usually their mum, dads,brothers, or sisters. children learn social roles and behaviour within their family's. children would learn how to co-operate with other children and as they grow friendship between other children would become very important to them. they also may begin to form social networks circles of friends who likes and agree's with eachother.
  • physical development 10-18

    Puberty in girls usually begins usually at the age of 11 and 13 but sometimes it can begin earlier for some girls but boys usually starts later on. puberty is a development stage which prepares the body for sexual reproduction. both girls and boys will experience a growth spurt where they grow taller at a faster rate than before. boys would usually start getting growth of facial hair, growth of hair in armpits, growth of pupic hair, testes begins to produce sperm etc...
  • intellectual and emotional development 10-18

    this stage is when they dvelop the ability to work with abstract concepts and develop problem solving skills. they are also able to start thinking about the possibilities for both their immediate and long term future and plans ahead.
    at this stage they need to develop a secure sense of identity an feel secure when working with other people or in order to make a loving sexual attacthment. and be a stressful time as self-asteem may depend on the development of identity.
  • social development 10-18

    During adolescence a person's sense of self-worth may be more influences by their friends more than a family memeber, y this stage they will copy the style of dress, beliefs, cultural values and behaviours of their own friends. and usually they will know this is a time of stress; also has to cope with their development of their own sexuality and usually want to be independant from their family.
  • physical development 19-65

    This stage is when women are rmost fertile and are ready to concieve children in their teens and their early twenties. miscarriages and pregnancy complications happen when age rises. the ending of menstruation are a large reduction of eggs in the ovary,older adults in Britain mostly put on weight, this usually happens because some adilts eats the same amount of food when they were younger even though they have become more less active also older adults are at more of risks of having a disability
  • intellectual ande emotional dvelopment 19-65

    Adulthood cope with emotional attachment to a sexual partner this may involve with been too self-centred or defensive and not becoming emotionally isolated. sometimes adults lose interest in social issues but needs to stay emotionally involved with social life
  • social dvelopemnt 19-65

    During this stage friendship and networks continue to be very important. and usually adults wants to find sual partners and wnat to get a job/career. many adults in their forties fifties experience time pressure that my limit their social life.
  • final life stages

    Mostly at this stage they start to feel unwell and the body starts shutting down e.g. they might start to feel very weak, the heart rate may start going up or down irregularly and wont be able to breath properly and would have low blood pressure. The last stages of life can be very stressful for the dying person and those caring for him/her.