John dewey week3

John Dewey (1859-1952)

  • “The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology”

    “The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology”
    I believe this is the starting point of Dewey’s contribution to the philosophy of science by challenging what we had known in philosophy and revisiting our foundations. He started the avalanche of education reform by questioning psychology and stating we need to put more conscious thought into why we do the things that we do. Explaining that we are creatures of habit and changing the way we go about learning and ultimately life, will complete change our world.
  • Education Reform - New School

    Education Reform - New School Dewey started his experimental elementary school which was based off how he thought school should be taught. We have gone through some of his works and how he believed we needed to live life through experiences. This video explains what Dewey thought about education and school and how he believes children so learn. This is through experience, by doing and finding out whether you’re right and wrong.
  • Metaphysics

    Dewey starts to question metaphysics in order to transform it, believing that there was a correlation of genetics and common sense. He expresses this in his work, “Experience of Nature,” where he begins to push the narrative that we, especially children, learn by doing and from experience. He is wanting to expand on this theory stating that this could possibly come from genetics, that there is a pattern that from our habits. We learn through experiencing life and changing our habits.
  • "Art as Experience"

    "Art as Experience"
    This was an entire movement in my eyes that Dewey has begun. He explains in this work that art is another subject that needs to be experienced through learning. Especially in art, it is all trial and error. This is the broadest subject he used to explain his way of thinking. Art is an aesthetic and in order to express this we need to experience life, good or bad. Encounter life in all aspects for ourselves, not through others....
  • Citations

    The Reflex Arc of Concept in Psychology (1896)
    Experimental Elementary School (1894)
    New School (1919)
    Experience and Nature (1925)
    Art as Experience (1934)