John Deere- time line AC

By acolli3
  • john deere was born on feb. 7, 1804

    john deere was born on feb. 7, 1804
    He was born on feb. 7 1804 in Rutland, Vermont. He was a blacksmith.
  • he invinted the steel plow in 1837

    he invinted the steel plow in 1837
    He invented the steel plow because, the wooden plows that everyone used would always break, expecially in furtal soil. he thought he could make a better one so he atempted it and invinted the steel plow in 1837. It helped America by breakind soil easer and faster, planting more crops, making more jobs, and money. The think is that people used it to help grow cotton so, it increased the slave population because they used slaves to grow the cotton.
  • he died in may 17 1886

    he died on may 17, 1886.
  • what the steel plow revolved into today

    what the steel plow revolved into today
    We use a machine plow today instead of the steel plow. over years we improved the steel plow, made it better, and make it into a machine.We use a machine plow today. It is much faster and is a machine so it doesnt take as much man power as the steel plow took..