Joey Belanger's Timeline

  • Mckiney Becomes President :)

    Mckiney wins the ELection
  • The U.S,S Maine Exploded

  • Possible Military action in the Philippines

    Assisstant Secretary on the Navy Theodore Roosevelt had wired Commmandor George Dewey to prepare for possible military action in the Philippipeis
  • THe Spanish American War

    This is the date that the Spanish American started.!
  • U.S troops

    The U.S troops land in Cuba.
  • Rough Riders!

  • Theordore on his horse.

    On July 1, 1898 Theordore Roosevelt was the only man on a horse as he led charges at Kettle Hill.
  • Spanish Surrender

    in mid July the Spanish finally surrendered at Santiago.
  • The Spanish American War ENDED!

    On this date the Spanish American ENDED!
  • Theodore's Quot

    THe said on this date 'What splenned little war.'