
(JL) Shiver; Maggie Stiefvater; fiction; 392 pages

  • Chapter 1-11

    The first couple chapters talk about the day Grace was dragged into the woods and nearly killed by a pack of wolves as a child from Grace and Sam's perspectives. Grave and Sam are two teens living in the town of Mercy Falls. The twist is that Sam changes into a wolf. However, after recent events, a group of hunters attempt to kill Sam's pack, and Grace rushes to stop the hunters.
    FICTION: Paranormal, romance; 1-55 pages; total (1814)
  • Chapter 12-16

    After stopping the hunt, Grace returns home to find Sam on her back porch, shot by a hunter as a wolf but now human. With some struggle, Grace gets Sam to the hospital whioh she later helps him escape. Not yet knowing where to go, Sam secretely stays with Grace in her room.
    56-88 pages; total (1847)
  • Chapter 17-21

    Grace returns to school after a day, so while she is there Sam goes driving and reminisces about his past at Beck's house. He (Sam) later even tells Grace about him learning how to hunt and not liking the sight of blood.
    89-114 pages; total (1873)
  • Chapter 22-26

    On a Saturday alone, Same and Grace head out to Beck's house. After being in the cold for too long, Sam has to be rushed inside before he changes and Grace unknowingly forces him into the bathtub, the source of his childhood nightmares. However, it keeps Sam from changing and leaving Grace for the winter.
    115-152 pages; total (1911)
  • Chapter 27-32

    Grace is forced into introducing Sam to Rachel by Rachel at school. While Grace is at school, Sam returns to Beck's house, where he finds Beck who just returned. Much to Sam's dislike and anger, Beck brought back three people who he injected with his (Beck's) wolf DNA, which makes Sam not even want to talk to Beck,
    153-211 pages; total (1970)
  • Chapter 33-41

    At night, Sam dreamt of Mr. Dario's dogs; a couple years back Shelby let them out and Sam faced the dogs as a human and broke one's neck as Beck had tought him. Later, Shelby (another wolf in the pack) breaks into Grace's house as a wolf and attacks Grace, but Sam manages to pull Shelby off, before any real damage is done, but they go to the hospital anyway.
    212-259 pages; total (2018)
  • Chapter 42-46

    After making quiche, Sam and Grace tell Isabel about her brother Jack, who was attacked by wolves and now is one. She seems to be shaken by the news but accepts it. Later, Sam and Grace fight for the first time ever.
    260-304 pages; total (2063)
  • Chapter 47-54

    When Sam goes to the Culpeppers' house, Jack knocks him out and place him in a cold shed, not giving the location to Grace until she tells him where he can get the cure for being a wolf. Isabel gets Sam into her house just before he changes, and Grace picks him up and takes him back to Beck's house. However, on the way, they accidentally wreck the car and Sam changes back into a wolf.
    305-342 pages; total (2101)
  • Chapter 55-67

    Sam is thought to be permanently changed into a wolf, but he tries an experimental cure along with Jack. The cure is thought to be the aftereffects of meningitis. Jack dies but days later Sam returns to Grace as a permanent human, surviving the cure.
    343-392 pages; total (2151)