Jaydon Edwards - 7

  • 149

    Greece joins Rome

    Greece joins Rome
    149 B.C. Greece joins Rome allowing them to defeat Macedonia and Persia making Rome grow even bigger.
  • 264

    The Punic Wars

    The Punic Wars
    264 B.C. The Punic wars erupted, causing Rome to go against Carthage.
  • 270

    Agustus Rule

    27 B.C. Agustus had decided to work on Rome's agriculture by building marble buildings.
  • 430

    Octavian's rule

    Octavian's rule
    43 B.C. Octavian had defeated Marc Antony and Antony's wife Cleopatra.
  • 440

    Caesar's death

    Caesar's death
    44 B.C. Caesar was murdered on the Ides of March.
  • 450

    The Forum

    The Forum
    450 B.C. The romans had decided to built a place for all activities this place was called a forum.
  • 500

    Caesar's Rise

    Caesar's Rise
    50 B.C. Julius Caesar was begining to be known for his widespread campaigns.
  • 509

    Problems between Patricians and Plebians

    Problems between Patricians and Plebians
    509 B.C. The separation of class difference has caused some tension between the Plebians and the Patricians.
  • Dec 1, 600

    First Triumvirate

    First Triumvirate
    60 B.C. The First Triumvirate was composed of Julius Caesar, Gnaeus Pompey, and Licinius Crassus.
  • Nov 30, 616

    The Etruscans mixed with Rome

    The Etruscans mixed with Rome
    616 BC, The Etruscans Culture began to mingle with the Romans Culture greatly impacting their heritage,