Ja'neeks Life Span

By Janeek
  • The BIRTH of a star!

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    The First Two Years!

  • First words

  • I'll be back!

    (Separation anxiety) My mom left me with her bestfriend to go to the grocery store, I cried til she returned.
  • My little bother was born!

    (Biosocial) On this day, my mother had my baby brother, who is to-this-day a little bother!
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    The Play Years

  • Chicken pox scare!

    (Biosocial) Mom rushed both my brother and I to the hospital because she thought we may be developing chicken pox, only to find out that we only had a heat rash.
  • Easy Baking Baker!

    (Psychosocial) I got my Easy Bake Oven and was baking like mommy.
  • She has more juice!

    (Cognitive) Explaining the laws of Conservation of Volume to my brother.
  • Mrs. Shoemaker

    (Cognitive) First grade school teacher.
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    The School Years

  • Weight problems

    (Biosocial) I started gaining weight and became labeled as "Overwieght."
  • Congrats Graduate!

    (Psychosocial) 5th grade graduation.
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  • Accident!

    (Psychosocial) Trying to figure out who I was and picking the wrong friends, I crashed a friends-mother's car, being pressured into driving cause it was the cool thing to do.
  • Get cool in High school!

    (Cognitive) I noticed that you were cool if everyone knew you, so I decided to come out of my shy shell, and be my regular silly, humorous self.
  • College Nights!

    (Biosocial) Being away from home, I could do what I wanted, how I wanted, and when. So I had a party in my dorm-apartment and we all got MIP's. In college was the first time I experimented with alcohol and marijuana.
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    Emerging Adulthood

  • SAVED!

    (Cognitive) I decided to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.
  • Happy, but sad lost!

    (Biosocial) I had a miscarriage that was wanted, instead of a abortion, but devastating to go through.
  • REAL Love!

    (Psychosocial) I met, who I thought was the "love of my life."
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  • The MRS.

    (Psychosocial) I plan to be married.
  • The boss!

    (Cognitive) I have found what I want to do for the rest of my life, so my career is set.
  • NOT the 40's !!

    (Biosocial) I will probably start dealing with the aging problems and empty nest syndrome.
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    Late Adulthood

  • Getting older!

    Biosocial: I predict that my pace will slow down, and I will not be able to move as quickly, even on everyday projects (working, cleaning, cooking).
  • Forgetful Granny!

    Cognitive: I predict that some everyday routines or things (where did I put my phone?) will be interrupted because brain functioning slows down.
  • Connected!

    Psychosocial: Maintaining contact with family and friends is important to me, not only because my family and I are very close, but because this will improve the quality of life, versus being isolated and alone.
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  • Sunset!!!

    Although no one can really predict the time of their death, I just hope to live until my grandchildren are grown.