Jackson Timeline by Rohan R

  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    Andrew Jackson defeated British forces in 1815 to secure a victory for USA in the war of 1812. He became a national hero because of this.
  • Period: to

    Jackson Era

  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    Jackson was defeated in the election of 1824 by the House of Represenatives choosing JQ Adams although Jackson won the popular and electoral college vote. He lost because of corrupt bargain.
  • Jacksonian Democracy

    Jacksonian Democracy
    In the mid 1820's , after the election of 1824, Jackson controlled the power and did not allow Quincy Adams to do anything, Once in office, Jackson gave the right to vote to all white men to show he represented to common people.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    In 1828, South Carolina declared the federal tarriffs of 1828 null and void because they were unconstitutional. US raised the tarriff, ruining the southern economy. The south wanted to nullify it. South Carolina threatened to secede.
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    In 1828, during the the election of 1828, the Democratic - Republicans split into two parties. Andrew Jackson won the election with popular vote.
  • Spoils System

    Spoils System
    After Jackson's inauguration, Jackson developed a theory of rotation in office. He believed the public offices should be rotated among party supporters to help the nation achieve its republican ideals.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    In 1830, Jackson authorized the removal of several Indian tribes and the moving of them to present day Oklahoma to give the access of land to the settlers. Jackson also did it because he found gold in Georgia.
  • Jackson's war on the bank

    Jackson's war on the bank
    In 1832-1833, Jackson wanted to eliminate the national bank and transfer the money to select state banks, but that eventually led to the Panic of 1837. He felt the national bank had too much power. It led to an economic slump or depression.
  • Worcester vs Georgia

    Worcester vs Georgia
    In 1832, Worcester, a white man, refused to move from a designated Indian territory and was arrested. He had a supreme court case against Georgia. Worcester won the case because Georgia violated his 14th amendment.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    In 1835, the Government convinced a small number of Cherokee people to sign a treaty giving up all Cherokee land by 1837, eventually Cherokee had to go to the Indian territory by gunpoint. Many died along the way. That is why it is called the Trail of Tears.