Jackson and the Bank

  • Second Bank

    The Second Bank was created by Congress to help out the nation with the financial needs and to make the currency go back to how it was before it went bad.
  • Election of 1832

    It was being held from November 2 to December 5, 1832 and it was Andrew Jackson which was a Democrat going against Henry Clay which was a Republican. Andrew Jackson beat Henry Clay.
  • Veto of the Bank Bill

    Andrew Jackson vetoed the bill he argued that the Bank was unauthorized by the Constitution and it was dangerous to the people and their liberties.
  • Specie Circular

    Specie Circular was on July 11, 1836 and it was Andrew Jackson wanted the payment for the public lands that people were buying to be made in a payment of gold or silver..
  • Panic of 1837

    The Panic of 1837 was a financial crisis in the United States which caused major depression. Profits, prices, and wages went down because of the crisis and unemployment went up. Lots of businesses were closing down, banks were failing, and most things were going down except unemployment.
  • Election of 1840

    The Election of 1840 was where William Henry Harrison won against President Martin Van Buren. Martin Van Buren's lost made him the third President to not get re-elected.