My phone 001

Its my life

  • My Reflections/timeline

    My Reflections/timeline
    By : McKayla Clark
    Mrs.Queen~Primary teacher
    Mrs.Curran~Gifted teacher
  • Chispas and Pandya's

    Chispas and Pandya's
    Reflection In class we did an activity that revolved around religion and how people percieve it .Now for the Chispa culture they were very friendly while Pandya`s were more into a shell like persona .But it was the religion because in Chispa's culture all men and women were created equal but Pandya women had more power than a man does .In the activity I happened to be a Pandya and part of it was speaking for the guys because they are not allowed to speak to
  • To be continued

    To be continued
    women . During the philosophical chair debate my pretend culture was very much offended when the Chispas came up and called us things that we did not like because thats our culture and they weren't familar with it to see how we behaved and to understand thats how life is for us . So in real life I learned that you can't really judge a culture unless you know everything about it and how it gets there so for now on I won't judge that in my life . But also when you meet people don't be so quick to
  • Last slide for this reflection .

    Last slide for this reflection .
    judge because its how a person was raised in their household so thats how they learn from generations passed .
  • Big Question

    Big Question
    How does my culture affect my life ? It affects my life with how I act , dress , and is precieved by others .Ex: The class activity we did for the Chispas and Pandya`s, we were viewed diffrently than what we would have been like to been viewed as because the Chispa's didn't know the Pandya culture so they took offense to what the culture thought was right .
  • Information from birth to present

    I was born at the Portsmouth Naval Hospital in 2000 .
    I Have lived in two cities of Virginia and a town in Maryland.
    I have just recently moved .
    I went to BTW and KF .
  • citing
  • 5 Themes of Geography

    5 Themes of Geography
    Location~Around Wal-Greens and Food Lion is where I live .
    Place~Its a little further away from a bus stop and you might be able to walk to work if you work at the hospital, and its by the field.
    Human/enviroment interaction~There is a park where kids go and teens would go to the Y .
    Regions~KIngs Landing Area
  • Map

    yeeesh>Map of where I live .