Inventors and Inventions(Industrial Revolution)

  • Seed Drill

    Seed Drill
    Jethro Tull invented the seed drill, which had a rotating cylinder to cut grooves and allow seeds to pass to the funnel. It created a fuel that kept the Industrial Revolution running.
  • Flying Shuttle

    Flying Shuttle
    John Kay invented the flying shuttle to have a new shuttle that would speed up slow hand weaving. It spun many threads at the same time.
  • Water Frame

    Water Frame
    Richard Arkwright's creation, the water frame, was a spinning machine powered by water that produced cotton yarn.
  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    James Watt created the steam engine that reduce waste and cut fuel costs.
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    James Hargeaves invented in spinning jenny, which is a spindle machine used to spin wool and cotton.
  • Power Loom

    Power Loom
    Edmund Cartwright created the power loom, an important invention in the Industrial Revolution. It used a large shaft and sped up the process of textile manufacturing.
  • Soda Ash

    Soda Ash
    Nicolas LeBlanc created soda ash. Soda ash is also known as sodium carbonate. He developed the process of taking soda ash from common salt.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney created the cotton gin. It has rotating saws to pull the cotton. It pulls the fibers from the seeds that are too big, then to be removed.
  • Steam Locomotive

    Steam Locomotive
    George Stephenson and Richard Trevithick created the steam locomotive. It is a rail vehicle used for transportation. It is fueled by burning material to heat water in the boiler.
  • Sewing Machine

    Sewing Machine
    Elias Howe is the inventor of the sewing machine. This made sewing much faster, easier and not done by hand. It helped the mass production of sewing machines and clothing.
  • Telegraph Cable

    Telegraph Cable
    Cyrus Field invented the telegraph cable, creating the first rapid communication between continents. It sent signals representing language in telegraph messages.
  • Voltaic Pile(Battery)

    Voltaic Pile(Battery)
    Alessandro Volta invented a battery consisting of disks of silver and zinc. He thought animal tissue wasn't needed to take a current and was correct. He used salt water and made the electric battery.