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Inventions timeline-Katelyn Hoskinson

  • Biofocals

    The biofocals were made for people with bad eye-sight.The biofocals were invented by Benjamen Franklin. 1.) Benjamen Franklin had bad eye-sight. 2.) Benjamen Franklin was also famous for many other inventions.
  • Period: to


  • cotten gin

    cotten gin
    The cotten gin was invented by Eli Whittney in 1793for helping make the fabric cotten.
    1.) The cotten gin was helping make the fabric by seperating the cotten fabric from the cotten seeds. 2.)Here is the story how Eli Whittney accidentily made the cotten gin as so people think of course, Eli Whittney left New England and headed south in 1792 he had no idea he was going to invent the cotten gin, infact one day he was experamenting and he thought that he should make a cotten gin so he did it.
  • Type Writer

    Type Writer
    The type writer is a device used to type word on a piece of paper.
    It was invented by Pellegrino Turri in 1808. 1.) It has 52 regular designs. 2.) It has been used for writing books and important forms for many years.
  • Continuous Sewing Machine

    Continuous Sewing Machine
    The Continuous Sewing Machine was invented by John Knowls. 1.)His father was James M. Knowls,he was born in west virginia. 2.) Two other people fought for it one got a zipper but it was improved not the origonal the other person got one for a regular sewing machine not origonal either.
  • Mechanical Reaper

    Mechanical Reaper
    The mechanical Reaper was invented by Cyrus Miccormic,it is used to reap crops mechanicly. 1.) It strains and cuts crops.