Inventions durning my lifetime

  • Segway

    A segway is a two wheeled electric vehicle that a person rides on and rides just like a motorcylce would.
  • Ipod earphones

    Ipod earphones
    The ipod earphones are known very well world wide and there have been over a 2 million made.
  • Origional Ipod

    Origional Ipod
    The ipod is a small digital divice that can hold up to 1000 songs.
  • Youtube

    Youtube is a place on the web where you can watch about anything you wana watch.
  • Google Driveless Car

    Google Driveless Car
    A car that can dirve itself
  • Color Printer

    Color Printer
    this machine gave pictures a new meaning
  • Beats by Dr. Dre

    Beats by Dr. Dre
    Beats revolutionized the world of headphones. By far one of the worlds best sounding pieces.
  • Wii

    The wii system maked you the controller
  • Ipad

    The ipad was the first of its kind. They sold as fast as they could make them. No doubt the ipad changed the world forever.
  • iphone 5

    iphone 5
    The iphone 5 is the newest iphone out to this day. It has all the new gagets and gismows that you will ever need.