Infant Timeline

  • 7-8 months

    7-8 months
    Fine- roll over to explore to get objects
    Gross- Less time spent on tummy and back, typically in sitting, hands and knees or pulling to stand
    Emotional- play games like peek a boo
    Cognitive- pick up ceral in between their thumb
    Intellectual- say several sounds like ma, da
    Social-express several different clear motions
  • 1-3 months

    1-3 months
    Fine- grasping objects in reflex momvement
    Gross- cycles legs
    Emontional- general excitment
    Cognitive- following moving objects
    Intellectual-cries when hungry
    Social- Facial expressions, sound
  • 4 months

    4 months
    Fine-looks from object to hands to object
    Emotional- fusses or cries to gain attention
    Cognitive-sitting position for several minutes
    Intellectual-making babbles sounds when looking at toys or people.
    Social- excited to meet new people.
  • 5-6 months

    5-6 months
    Fine- grasping a large toy ring
    Gross- turns in all directions
    Emotional- resists toys to be taken
    Cognitive- looks for a falling object
    Intellectual- cries when hungry
    Social- simles at them self in the mirror
  • 9 months

    9 months
    Fine-bangs objects together
    Gross- making stepping movements when supported
    Emotional- having fear with new situations
    Cognitive-waves bye bye
    Intellectual-Turns to listen when she hears familiar sounds like the telephone or her name
    Social- understanding the word no, but not always obeys it.
  • 10 months

    10 months
    Fine- climbs on chairs
    Gross-stands with a little support
    Emotional-fears strange places
    Cognitive- look for hidden objects
    Intellectual- learning words and appropriate gestures
    Social-cries less often
  • 11 months

    11 months
    Fine- holding on to furniture
    Gross-stand alone
    Emotional-likes to say no and shake head to get response from a caregiver
    Cognitive-can point to body parts
    Intellectual-takes turns making noise with you
    Social-may not always want to be cooperative
  • 1 year

    1 year
    Fine-hold own bottle
    Gross- walks with one hand
    Emotional-may reveal an inner determination to walk
    Intellectual- begins to take food from spoon
    Cognitive-speaks first recognizable word
    Social- may resist napping