Laughing while tickled

Infant Development

  • 1-2 Months

    1-2 Months
    Fine- May hold object if placed in hand, but drops it quickly.
    Gross- Can hold head up for a few minutes.
    Cognitive- Shows some interest in sounds and will stop sucking to listen.
    Social- Shows affection by looking at a person while kicking, waving arms and smiling.
  • Emotional

    Reacts to discomfort and pain by crying for assistance
  • 3-4 Months

    3-4 Months
    Fine- Begins to use mitten grasp for grabbing objects near hands
    Gross- Can move arms and legs together
    Cognitive- Likes to repeat enjoyable acts, like shaking a rattle
    Social- Tries to attract attention of caregiver
  • Emotional

    Laughs when tickled
  • 5 Months

    5 Months
    Fine- Begins to grasp objects with thumb and fingers
    Gross- When supported under arms, stands and moves body up and down, stamping feet alternatively
    Emotional- May begin to show fearful behavior as separateness is felt
    Social- Distinguishes between familiar and unfamiliar faces
  • Cognitive

    Smiles at self in a mirror
  • 6 months

    6 months
    Fine- Learns to drop an object at will
    Gross- Sits in a tripod position using arms for support
    Emotional- Likes attention and may cry to get it
    Cognitive- Studies objects intently, turning them to see all sides
  • Social

    Enjoys playing with other children
  • 7 Months

    7 Months
    Fine- Fingers, manipulates, and rattles objects repeatedly
    Gross- crawls awkwardly, combining movements on tummy and knees
    Emotional- Expresses anger more dramatically
    Social- Shows desire for social contacts
  • Cognitive

    May begin to imitate an act
  • 8 months

    8 months
    Fine- Is able to pick up small objects and string
    Gross- Crawls
    Cognitive- Finds objects that are totally hidden
    Social- Values quick display of love and support for caregiver
  • Emotional

    Exhibits fear of strangers
  • 9-10 Months

    9-10 Months
    Fine- Uses index finger to point, lead, and poke
    Gross- Stands with little support
    Emotional- Expresses delight, happiness, sadness, discomfort, and anger
    Cognitive-Responds appropriately to a few specific words
  • Social

    Performs for others, repeats if applauded
  • 11-12 Months

    11-12 Months
    Fine- Likes to grasp feeding utensils and cup
    Gross-Climb up and down stairs
    Emotional- Shows increased negativism. May have tantrums
    Social- Likes to practice communication with adults
  • Cognitive

    Speaks first recognizable word