
  • Jethro Tull Invents the Seed Drill

    Jethro Tull was one of the first scientific farmers. He discovered that it was wasteful and unproductive to just throw seeds across in the field becuase many failed to take roots. He then inveneted the seed drill, which could sow seeds in well-spaced rows at specific depths. More seeds took root. Modern adaptations of his invention are still used today. seed drill
  • John Kay invents the Flying Shuttle

    John Kay made and invented the flying shuttle, which was a shuttle that sped back and forth on wheels. It doubled the work a weaver could do in a day
  • James Watt builds the first steam engine

    James Watt made a faster and more efficient steam engine. He joined with an entrepeneur, Matthew Boulton who payed him a salary so he would keep inventing new engines. Steam engines helped the industrial revolution progress.
  • Marx and Engels publish The Communist Manifesto

    The communist manifesto was an attempt to write a book that would explains the goals, beliefs, and ways of communism. The book was published in London by the Comunist League.
  • US Civil War ends; US experiences technological boom

    The united states relied mainly on agricurtural related jobs until the Civil War was over. A technological revolution hit the US. Britain had many revolutions because they had the factors of production. The united states had many factors of production, which were land, capital, and labor.
  • Germany becomes dominant industrial power in Europe

    Germany followed in Britains footsteps. They built railroads to connect manufacturing cities to other cities. The ruhr river valley was rich in iron ore and coal, so they used those materials to make the railroads. They became an industrial power house.
  • British Unions win right to strike

    British labor unions all wanted better wages, hours, and conditions. The unions won the right to strike, so they could possibly attain their goals. Eventually, the strikes were succesful.