Industrial Revolution

By Layziaa
  • John Kay' Flying Shuttle

    John Kay' Flying Shuttle
    Flying Shuttle did most of the weaving during the early Industrial Revolution. Flying Shuttles let weaver make cloth a lot faster then making it by hand, but people were jealous of the idea and threaten the inventor, John Kay. Some are still being used today to weave things
  • James Watt's Steam Engine

    James Watt's Steam Engine
    A Steam Engine was a boiler full of water that fires heat up to make steam. Some good things about this was any suitable form of energy could be used to make steam and not affected by high altitudes. Some bad things were lots of pollution, dangerous to use high pressure, needs lots of energy etc., but steam is still being used today for many reasons and in many fields of industry.
  • James Hargreaves' Spinning Jenny

    James Hargreaves' Spinning Jenny
    The Spinning Jenny revolutionized the process of cotton spinning. Spinning process faster and more efficient, but It only produced weft thread and didn't have very good quality since it had lots of spools. Similar wheels are still used today in the hobby industry.
  • Richard Arkwright's Water Frame

    Richard Arkwright's Water Frame
    Water Frame was a large spinning machine and was used when only cloth was made by hand. Water Frame made strong, tough, yarn quicker than weaving, but it made course yarn not as fine of a yarn as the Spinning Jenny's. I don't think they're still being used today.
  • Samuel Crompton's Spinning Mule

    Samuel Crompton's Spinning Mule
    Spinning Mule was very similar to the Spinning Jenny and Water. They all spun thread and cotton. The Spinning Mule spun cotton and increased speed of producing yarn, but employees jobs could be cut. Therefore they could have no mean of income. Spinning Mules might still be used today but i'm not sure.
  • George Stephenson's Locomotive

    George Stephenson's Locomotive
    Locomotive is a rail transport vehicle that provides the motive power for a train. It was fast and got goods and services from one place to another, but it costed a lot of money because it was efficient. Railroad Locomotives are still being used today for operating class 1 railroad.
  • Richard Trevithick's Steam Locomotive

    Richard Trevithick's Steam Locomotive
    Steam Locomotive is a railway locomotive that produces steaming power through a steam engine. This gave another reason to mine coal, helped railroads grow and learn more about the major point of railroading, but pullets a lot, hard to maintain, very labor intensive and more. There is still one steam locomotive operating on a class 1 railroad.
  • Robert Fulton's Steam Boat

    Robert Fulton's Steam Boat
    North River Steam Boat was the first vessel to try the activity of using energy for commercial water transportation. They're faster for goods and passengers, but weren't regulated and killed lots of people. Also boiler explosions from unsafe designs. The North River Steam Boat isn't being used today, but steams boats are still being used.
  • Henry Bessemer (steel)

    Henry Bessemer (steel)
    Steel was very important in the Industrial Revolution and also very helpful. Steel has high strength, elasticity, toughness, maintain strength indefinitely, etc., but it had small resistance against fire, brittle, high expansion rate when changing temperatures, can't mold and lots of more. Steel is still being used for buildings, cars, homes, skyscrapers and others.
  • Louis Pasteur (pasteurization)

    Louis Pasteur (pasteurization)
    Pasteurization was used to show us when food gets bad by using pasteurized milk. Some good things about that it made food safe to eat because it kills harmful bacteria, but it also killed other essential nutrients to provide a longer shelf life, heating process changes flavor etc. We still used pasteurization for foods today.
  • Thomas Edison's Light Bulb

    Thomas Edison's Light Bulb
    Light bulb was used a lot in the Industrial Revolution. Light bulbs provided light indoors, safe, easy to operate, but i can't be moved around easily, difficult to repair a broken or burned out light bulb. Yes, light bulbs are still being used til this day to give us light and buildings, homes, cars etc.
  • Nikola Tesla (electric power)

    Nikola Tesla (electric power)
    Electric power was one of the most important resources in the Industrial Revolution. It was used for lots of things. Electric provided power for labor saving device and both home and job. A bad result in that is a lot of things wouldn't work without it, but we still use electric power is still used today. It is one of the most common things.