Wwi alliances

Alliences and the Great War

  • Period: to

    The Alliences of WW1

  • Napoleans Rise

    Napoleans Rise
    As the chaotic French Revolution drew to a close, a five member "Directory" was elected at a national convention to run the country. Their four years in power were an unsuccessful mess. this was mostly due to the widespread crisis, civil discontent, inefficiency, and above all corruption. They relied entirely on the military to stay in power, and on November 9, 1799, the young and successful general Napoleon Boneparte staged a successful Coup and established himaelf as first Consul.(History.com)
  • The Conclusion of the Napoleonic Wars

    The Conclusion of the Napoleonic Wars
    Napoleon had waged a campaign to seize all of Europe under the control of France. His attempt was finally put to an end at the battle of waterloo in 1815, but Europe had been changed forever. These wars left many European nations without boarders. At the Congress of Vienna in 1814, major European nations came together to redraw the boarders of their nations. The Boarders drawn left many nations feeling cheated, especially Germany and Austria who lost land in Poland.(historytoday.com)
  • The Treaty of London

    The Treaty of London
    This particular agreement was not an alliance between nations, but rather a recognition of Belgian statehood. This would later be the factor that would draw England into the war, as Germany violated this agreement by marching troops through Belgium into France.(alphahistory.com)
  • The Three Emporers Leauge

    The Three Emporers Leauge
    Prussian Statesman Otto von Bismarck engineered the three states as an attempt to maintain the balance of power in Europe. This alliance was formed between Prussia, Austria and Russia, but unfortunately was dissolved when Russia couldn't commit due to tension in the Balkans. Without Russia, in the picture, the basis of the Triple Alliance was formed.(alphahistory.com)
  • The Duel Allience

    The Duel Allience
    An alliance between Germany and Austria, this agreement was formed to defend each country in the event of a Russian attack. Tensions had been rising in the Balkans region, with Austrian interests conflicting with those of Russia's. Russia viewed those who lived in the region as "brother slaves" and wanted to defend them from Austrian influence.(alphahistory.com)
  • The Triple Allience

    The Triple Allience
    Another alliance constructed between Germany and Austria-Hungary, this time included Italy. Hough Italy's military was viewed as weak, it still was part of the agreement as a minor alliance. This was created due to anti-France anti-Russian sentiments between these powers.(alphahistory.com)
  • The Franco-Russian Allience

    The Franco-Russian Allience
    A response to the Triple Alliance, the Franco-Russian Alliance formed between Russia and France. This, to the dismay of the triple alliance, kept France from being politically isolated and gave French capitalists access to Russian mines.(alphahistory.com)
  • The Entente Cordiale

    The Entente Cordiale
    A series of agreements between Brittan and France, the Entente Cordial was rightly named "Friendly Agreements" in English. This agreement had no military connotations, but erased years of boarder and colonial disputes between both nations. The improvement of relations between both nations was a logical step on the road to a full fledged military alliance.(alphahistory.com)
  • The Anglo Russian Entente

    The Anglo Russian Entente
    Another agreement that solved past transgressions, the Anglo-Russian Entente paved the way to a military alliance. It reestablished possessions of both countries in the Middle East and Asia. It is important to note that for most of the 9th century, Brittan and Russia were on the brink of war twice and engaged in war in the Crimea, so this was a welcome change from the antagonistic stances each nation was taking.(alphahistory.com)
  • The Triple Entente

    The Triple Entente
    The Triple Entente was the final alliance before the outbreak of ww1. It was officially a merging of the Entente Cordial and the Anglo-Russian Entente. This was an important step towards war, because it signified the end of Brittan's neutral involvement in this escalating conflict.(alphahistory.com)
  • The Dominoes Fall in the allience system

    The Dominoes Fall in the allience system
    Like a line of dominoes, the alliances made in the years before would kick off a world war. On this date, Francis Ferdinand was assassinated by a member of the Black Hand. Soon Austria had declared war on Serbia, which triggered Russia to come to her defense. Germany, who pledged her support to Austria then declared war on Russia for failing to cease mobilizing troops, and then on France for not giving a vow of neutrality. in this way, all of the alliances drew Europe into a war.(World History)
  • England Joins the Great War

    England Joins the Great War
    The German plan to eliminate France from the war early on was hampered by the necessity to cross through Belgium to get to Paris. They Demanded that the Belgians allow their armies to cross through, and when they refused, Germany broke a 75 year old treaty that protected Belgian neutrality. The British, angered by the blatant disregard for the treaty, Declared war on Germany, drawing the final major player into the Great War. (World History Third Edition)