
Immigration Westward Movement Expansion

  • Voyage to America

    Voyage to America
    I am taking a train and a couple other vehicals to get to America. I mainly am going to get a job there. My Mom, Dad, and brother are coming with me. I am nervous to leave Spain but I am ready to go to America. All Of my family will try to get a job because we need the money.
  • Period: to

    Immigration Timespan Weatward Expansion

    Westward Eaxpansion of Abigail Eldora.
  • Ellis Island

    Ellis Island
    We have been traveling from Spain to America on our train for a while now. We have finally Made it to Ellis Island. We can see tha Statue of Liberty. We have come here to become a full American Citizen.
  • Moving To North Carolina

    Moving To North Carolina
    My family and I have made it to America. We have made a dicsion to move to North Carolina. My mother and father said it was a good idea and we needed to start looking for jobs.
  • Period: to

    Immigration Timespan Westward Expansion of Abigail Eldora

    Moving West
  • Times getting tough

    Times getting tough
    We are now all in North Carolina. My family and I do not like it here at all there is no land and we do not have good jobs. The jobs here don't pay well and there are not many jobs in general. My Dad and brother are working in some factory and right now my mom and I do not have a job yet.
  • Moving out and going to the West

    Moving out and going to the West
    Living in North Carolina has been to hard for us. The job offereings here are not good. There was a time where we almost we homeless and on the streets. We have decided to move west because the rich land and better jobs hopefully.
  • Our Life in the west

    Our Life in the west
    Ever since we have moved to the West we have been much happier. The land is amazing and now my whole family is empoyed with jobs. We get payed better here and we like it a lot better than when we were living in North Carolina. My Father is working in the fields and helping out at farming.