
Immigration and Westward Movement

  • Ready to Leave

    Ready to Leave
    My name is Ivan Volosheninov, and I have decided to leave Russia for my sake. I choose to leave Russia and make my way to the United States because I must go somewhere where I can choose a job I want. In russia you get picked jobs you have to be, and I do not want to be a doctor. I don't even know how to be a doctor. So it's settled, I am moving to America. But, one must not go there ignorant, so I should spend time learning to read and write in English. Soon, I will be off to a better country.
  • Boat to Ellis Island

    Boat to Ellis Island
    Now I am on my way to the United States on a very crowded boat. Did all of these people had the same problems too? Well, there will be so many things going on now, and from here, my life is going to change from a snowy and cold city to a... well... I am not sure yet, but as long as I have freedom, this is going to be a better country than Russia.
  • Ellis Island

    Ellis Island
    I am one step away from entering New York, and this step is more of a giant, running start leap. So apparently, I have been inspected, and I think I have done a pretty good job. The problem is, they're making me wait for 5 years! They have never made anyone else wait that long because it was either New York or bust! Well, I guess I know what they say from America... "Deal with it!" 5 years of waitng... I hope it is worth it.
  • Arrival to New York

    Arrival to New York
    As I set foot on New York from Ellis Island, I smelled the aroma of the city and said, "I can even smell the scent of success and pleasure." But even every American knows that you need money to have a good life, or to at least start your life, so I gave away all of my valuables for $2000. I was not sure what to do yet with my money, and I was not even sure what job to take. But nevermind that, because this was the first year of my time in America, so I was going to think about it later.
  • A Job and a Fight

    A Job and a Fight
    In some ways this day was great and in other ways this day was terrible. So let me explain the good news. The good news was that I finally got a job as an assisstant baker in a bakery. The bad news was that I decided to celebrate my happiness in a pub, and that was where crazy things happened. Apparently, the Americans here are really stupid. They were picking on me for some reason and the only thing I did that made them beat me up was insulting them. I am not going to a pub ever again.
  • Fired and going west!

    Fired and going west!
    Well, guess what? Today was the day that I got fired. My boss deserved the punch in the face when he started yelling at how horrible my garbage duty was. Now that I thought about it, my boss never allowed me to do anything besides garbage duty and watching the timer on the oven. That was it. I was sick and tired of New York and people there, and now I have decided to go west and live in solitude. I would spend my last year here, and then I was off. Goodbye New York!
  • The beginning of the Journey West

    The beginning of the Journey West
    Remember when I said that I can even smell the success and pleasure in New York? Well, at that time I needed a new nose. Today was the first day I left that foul city and turned my head towards the west. Of course I needed supplies in order to go there, so, using my money, I bought a wagon with horses and a piglet for companionship, only for $2000. For some reason, I felt like I was missing something, but oh well. For this day, nothing went wrong. I hope it stays like that.
  • Pretty Darn Lucky

    Pretty Darn Lucky
    You might have known this before I did, but I have made an incredibly stupid mistake. I forgot to bring food. Fortunately, I did not need my winter clothes, since it was very hot here, so I ate them slowly along the way. But winter clothes weren't enough, so I starved for a long while. But then, my luck lifted, because there was another westward mover I met, and I decided to trade. I traded the rest of my money (which was $500) for food that would last the rest of the trip to Oklahoma. Lucky me.
  • Oklahoma Land Rush

    Oklahoma Land Rush
    Well, I finally made it to Oklahoma, and I figured out a way to get a good piece of land without worries of anyone else taking it. If you think I am cheating, then you might as well stop reading my timeline. My plan was to let my piglet go the day before and claim the best land possible already. So when the race started, I was in no rush, so I simply strolled across te big plains on my wagon at a relaxing speed, while many others were risking their lifes for the race. I had a good time.
  • Native Americans!

    Native Americans!
    Looks like I had came through bad territorry, because I was in the victim of an attack from Natives! Just to make this story short, I managed to get away by leaving behind ten pounds of food. Somehow, they were interested in it, but I feel like this time, I do not want to talk about it.
  • The End of My Journey

    The End of My Journey
    This is were my story ends. My piggy has found me really good land and I have been able to live here with no problems. The work is hard, but it was well worth it and I absoluetly rather be here than in New York or even in Russia. I found out that I do not cooperate or even communicate well with others so I decide to live alone. Well, not entirely alone, because my piglet keeps me company when I feel alone. This is the end of my journey and I finally am able to settle in a good place to live.