
  • LifetimeOfLucy

    Australopithecus Aferensis lived 4million years ago
    -Hands free
  • Homo Habilis

    Lived 2 million years ago
    -Hands free
    -Larger brains
    -Created tools
  • Homo Erectus

    Lived 1.8 million years ago
    -Hands free
    -Larger Brain
    -Better tools
  • Neanderthals

    Lived less then 500,00 years ago
    -hands free
    -Burying the dead
  • Homo Sapiens Sapiens

    Mordern Humans
    -hands free
    -burying the dead
  • Rise of the Kingdom of Sumer

    2900 BCE
    Sumer is located in Mesopotamia.The goverment was structured by
  • The Epic of Gilgamesh

    7thCentury BCE
    The epic of Gilgamesh is about a young king who goes on many different adventures. He finds a friend who he cheerishes and becames a loving,caring man who is able to help his people in different ways which he did not do before. He was the king of Sumer, Legends say he is a real person but we may not know.
  • Abraham

    Abraham was a man who belived in only one god. He lived in the city of Ur in Mesopotamia.He than moved to Canaan. He was so loyal to god that he was willing to sacerfice his own son. Luckily an angel stopped that from happening.
  • Hammurabi's Code

    Hammurabi was the ruler of Babylon. He of course lived in Babylon ruling his kingdom. He was the king, his code included many laws that were used to be able to rule his kingdom in a proper organized way. It included fair and unfair laws that can help a civilization in the categorys of personal injury,Family and property laws.
  • Joseph arrives at Egypt

    Joseph was the favorite son of Jacob who was the grandson of Abraham. His brothers were jelous of the favorism that their father gave to Joseph so they decided to get rid of him by selling him off as a slave. He was enslaved but was told to interpret the pharohs dream an dhe did. He was then appointed as prime minister and forgave his brothers and let his family live in Eygpt.
  • Moses

    Moses was really a Jew which meant that he would be murded. His mother who cared for him secretly placed him in a basket and placed him in a river. The pharoh's daughter found him and raised him as her own child. He then learned about his real identity and got a message from god saying to tell the pharoh to let his people go. He did so and the pharoh refused, god then put 9 plagues that causes tragedy to the people and the pharoh still refused. 10 comandments-moral laws for humans.
  • The time of the judges/The time before kings

    Middle 13th century to middle of 11th century BCE
    Basically the judges were the people who made the decisions basically they were before kings were choosen. Deborah is the only female judge during that period. Ruth's grandchild is the great king David.
  • The Reighn of David

    1013-937 BCE
    David was the king of Jerusulim. Becoming this king after challenging Elijah after he threatened and said they were all weaklings. His son Soloman did okay but his grandson did terrible as a king.
  • Elijah

    Elijah was actually the man who threaten to kill the Isrealites. He then became good and tried to prove that there was only one god. He proved this by telling the men to pray to their god to create a fire. That didnt happen but when Elijah prayed to his god a flame came the sky.
  • Siege of Lachish

    -The Lachish was a city that had been taken under controll from Assyria
    -The Lachish created tablets that were named the Lachish Relief that explained the different events that happened during the war.
    -The Siege of Lachis was a portrait with the different reliefs.
  • Siege of Jerusalem

    -Jerusalem decided to rebel against Assyria
    -They rebeled more then once and then ended up loosing hard
    -When the first happened the king was taken down and a relative was placed upon the crown but after realizing that it was right to rebel the man did and they ended up loosing.
  • Indus Valley Civizlizations

    2000 BCE
  • The Aryan Invasion and the Vedas

    1700 BCE