
How technology has changed!

  • Gameboy

    The Gameboy is a handheld video game. It's known as the longest running video system of all time. It only has one screen. There were not many games for this device.
  • Computers in 1990

    Computers in 1990
    Computers and internet was not very popular until the late 90's.
  • Tim Berners-Lee

    Tim Berners-Lee
    Tim Berners-Lee was the first person to start what we know as today the internet.
  • Microsot Office

    Microsot Office
    Microsft released Windows 3.0 and will sell more than 3 million copies in one year.
  • TV

    The Tvs from the 1990s were in black and white. there were not many channels and you had to get up to change the channel or the volume.
  • Computer Brand

    Computer Brand
    U.S. president George Washington introuduced IBM to John Cocke who was a scientist. IBM stands for Internation Business Machine. It is know for the largest computer company in the world. IBM is also known as the "big blue".
  • cell phone

    cell phone
    Old phones from 1991 were expensive. Some people had phones and some people didn't. Phones could cost up to $400. The phones were really large and had a long antenna. They didnt have a one and two year plans, it was the phone service and that was it. Some poeple didn't have a call phone so they had to use pay phones and house phones.
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    Time Burness-Lee developed the web as a research tool so he introduced it to the public and the World Wide Web.
  • Nintendo

    The Nintendo is a handheld video game. It has two screens and a stylus to do things with. The nintendo has a smell microphone that you can talk into when playing a game that reguires you to talk. There are a lot of fun and also educationg games for this device.
  • TV

    TVs were small in the 90's and some didn't even have a remote. The screen was about 19". Some peope used cassette tapes and videocassette for music and movies. the children would usually watch cartoons and the popular show for teens was Full House.
  • Computer Brand

    Computer Brand
    Michael S. Dell invented Dell in 1989. He is one of the wealthiest men in texas.This company is best known for selling affordable computers and laptops. The Dell Company was hurt when Apple's iPad and iPhones were introduced.
  • cell phone

    cell phone
    Nokia was a popular brand phone in 2001. There are many different versions of Nokia.
  • TV

    Some poeple had flat screen tvs. These TVs had a remote and they were in color. Popular shows were NCIS, Gilmore Girls, Big Love and Family Guy.
  • Myspace

    Myspace is a social networking website. Myspace was good for finding and meeting poeple. You can have your own profile and befriend all your friends. You can post images of yourslef and comments.
  • Facebook

    Facebook is a website where friends can keep up with each other and talk to each other. on facebook, you have your own profile where you can put pictures, information about you, and you can post things. You can like other people's post and pictures and comment on them. You can also play games and be involved in groups that people create.
  • Twitter

    Twitter is pretty popular today. Twitter has a thing called "followers". If you follow someone then you see all the things they post. if you like what someone said, it's different from facebook, you can retweet it instead of like it or comment. there are alot of different codes that poeple use on Twitter. Twitter is very popular today.
  • Wii

    The Wii is a home video game console. There are a lot of different games that you can play on the Wii. You buy remotes to pla the games and you can also buy numchucks to play games like Mario Kart. There are fun games, educational games, and ggames where you can get a work out like Wii Fit.
  • Computer Brand

    Computer Brand
    Apple was created by Steve Jobs. Most people now days use Apple products. Most poeple say the iPad is faster than the computers and laptops and it's easier to take places. The Appl porducts are the iPad, iPad mini, iPhone 3,4 and 5 and the iPod touch. All the devices are popular.
  • cell phone

    cell phone
    The Apple iphones are very popular today. Youcan get apps so you can play games. You can set reminders on your calendar. The iPhones have monthly plans and they cost about $25 a month and you can also get insurance on it when you buy the phone. There are a lot of things the iPhones have.
  • iPad

    Most people dont use regular computers anymore of the tablet. The iPad has a lot of different things you can do on it. It's good for games and even work. you get get apps that are for typing things like on Microsoft Word. Most people use this because it's easier to use sometimes and you can take it wherever you go.
  • Pheed

    Pheed is a new website that just came out. Its a combination of facebook, instagram and twitter. A lot of people dont have this yet but it will become popular soon.