History timeline

By apettis
  • 324

    Emperor Constantine I Founded the Byzantine Capital

    Emperor Constantine I Founded the Byzantine Capital
    The emperor of Constantine I Founded the Byzantine Capitals d renamed it to Kōnstantinoupoils (city of Constantine)
  • 532

    Nika revolt

    Nika revolt
    The Nika revolt was a riot that took place on January 13, 532. During the riot there was over 30,000 deaths and nearly half the city was burned.
  • 533

    General Belisarius Military campaigns

    General Belisarius Military campaigns
    General Belisarius Was a very powerful and successful leader. He concluded the vandolic kingdom in the vondolic war.
  • 537

    Hagia Sophia Completed

    Hagia Sophia Completed
    The Hagia Sophia took nearly six years to complete and is also known as the church of the holy Wisdom/Church of the Devine Wisdom.
  • 634

    Early Islamic military campaigns into Byzantine territory

    Early Islamic military campaigns into Byzantine territory
    The Muslims spread through the Middle East on conquest. They found their roots and the Muslim community population grew
  • 1014

    Emperor Basil II military conquests of Bulgaria

    Emperor Basil II military conquests of Bulgaria
    He is a part of the Macedonian dynasty and he was the longest reigning monarch of all time
  • 1054

    Great schism

    Great schism
    the great schism was when the east and west churches separated.
  • 1095

    Emperor Alexios I contacts Pope Urban II

    Emperor Alexios I contacts Pope Urban II
    Pope urban || started the war against the Muslims so he could reclaim the Holy Land.
  • 1204

    Fourth Crusade

    Fourth Crusade
    The city was controlled by the Byzantine empire when nearly 6,000 of the crusaders army when to destroy the Greek christan capital.
  • May 29, 1453

    Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks

    Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks
    After nearly ten centuries of war defeats and victories, the Byzantine empire was taken over by the Ottoman Turks.