
History Timeline : The French Revolution

  • Period: to

    History Timeline

  • Estates General

    Estates General
    This was a general assembly that met for the first time in over a hundred years, It consists of the first estate (the clergy), the second estate (the nobles) and the third estate (the middle class and the common people).
  • Tennis Court Oath & Voting Issues

    Tennis Court Oath & Voting Issues
    When the National Assembly got locked out of their meeting place, they signed an oath pledging to continue to sit until they had written France a new constitution.
  • Storming Of Bastille

    Storming Of Bastille
    The Parisians and citizens wanted ammunicion, so they went to the Bastille (an old fortress) to get it. The King sent his troops to stop them,and several of the citizens and parisians were killed.
  • Declaration Of Rights Of Man

    Declaration Of Rights Of Man
    The Declaration Of Rights Of Man that gave more freedoms to the citizens of France during the French Revolution. This document had ideas of human rights from the enlightment era.
  • Women's March On Versailles

    Women's March On Versailles
    Angry women marched to the palace for food because there were poor harvests and the palace had food.The women were also there to protest their rights as well.
  • Civil Constitution Of Clergy

    Civil Constitution Of Clergy
    The was a law passed trying to reorganize the Roman Catholic Church. It caused the Catholics to turn against the Revolution.
  • King's Escape

    King's Escape
    Louis tried to escape with his family leaving his duties of the kingdom, like providing food for the kingdom, or lowering bread prices. He was caught eventually before reaching his destination and was returned back to Paris.
  • France declares war on Austria & Prussia

    France declares war on Austria & Prussia
    The Girondists (Jacobins) wanted to go to war with Austria with was allied with Prussia. The king also thought that war would increase his popularity.
  • Attack On Tuileries

    Attack On Tuileries
    After the King's attempt to escape, him and his family was brought back to the palace of Tuileries. Weeks later a mob attacked the palace. Napoleon I ended up living in the palace.
  • Creation Of National Convention

    Creation Of National Convention
    The King and the first and second estates refused the demands of the third estate, they are called the National Assembly of France. The National Convention was to help choose a new constitution. France now had a Republic.
  • Execution Of Louis

    Execution Of Louis
    After fleeing the throne, Louis was seen as counterrevolutionary and was put on trial for treason. He was found guilty and executed. Also, with the republic the National Assembly thought that the king was not necessary.
  • Creation Of Committee Of Public Safety

    Creation Of Committee Of Public Safety
    This was created to defend France from its enemies. This group was formed by a bunch of radicals including Maximillen Robespierre.
  • Republic Of Virtue

    Republic Of Virtue
    From Aug-1793 to July 1794.The Republic Of Virtue was when Robespierre decided to de-christianize France by closing and selling chruches, creating a new calendar, etc. The Festival of Reason was established to replace Christianity. Also the day of the supreme being was established for people to praise him.
  • Execution Of Robespierre

    Execution Of Robespierre
    Robespierre was a strong leader in the reign of terror, and soon was banned from the Narional Convention, he was kept under watch. He tried to attempt suicide but shot lower jaw. Hours later he was executed just as several people were on the guillotine.
  • Thermidorian Reaction

    Thermidorian Reaction
    This was a revolt against the reign of terror. A vote by the National Convention to exeute Robespierre and other leaders of terror started this.
  • Napoleon Defends National Convention

    Napoleon Defends National Convention
    Napoleon was a great leader of the French army and decided to give back to the declining economy by employing soldiers to receive a paycheck. Therefore the directory encouraged this french war effort because they thought that this increase in income would encourage an increases in demand.
  • Establishment Of Consulate

    Establishment Of Consulate
    After coming back from his defeat in Egypt early, Napoleon grew his fame. Napoleon overthrew the directory and established a new government called the Consulate, therefore naming himself as the First Consul through popularity.
  • Concordant With Pope

    Concordant With Pope
    The Concordant was an agreement between Napoleon and the Pope securing the Roman Catholic Church and bringing it back to its normal status in France before it was abandoned.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    It was a new set of laws made by Napoleon that was ordered to be published for the governing of french-controlled countries in Europe.
  • Napoleon Crowned Emperor

    Napoleon Crowned Emperor
    After the civil code was published and went into effect. Napoleon named himself emperor of France. Pope Pius VII handed Napoleon the crown.
  • Continental System Is Established

    Continental System Is Established
    The Continental System was Napoleons way of beating Britain, by getting the Austrians, Prussians, and Russians involved he had a greater impact. He made european lands cut off trade/the export of goods with Britain. Napoleon wanted Britain to go through a depression which would hurt its economy, while France would try to grow its economy.
  • Invasion Of Spain

    Invasion Of Spain
    France was allied with Spain, but when they went to invade them Spain and Britain were now allied and had more support than ever. Napoleon ended up losing the battle.
  • Invasion Of Russia

    Invasion Of Russia
    Russia stated to defy Napoleon which caused Napoleon to invade. France was gaining power, and appeared to be more powerful than its surrounding allies thus breaking the balance of power. The army went to invade Russia unprepared for Russia's harshest winter. Many people died and the French army was left highly weakened.
  • Battle Of Leipzig

    Battle Of Leipzig
    This battle was fought by Austria, Prussia, and Russia against the French army led by Napoleon I. Napoleon ended up losing this battle, and left his army to return to France early. He told all the French people that he won, even though he really did not. Napoleon was forced to retire from the throne and was exiled.