HIstory Timeline

  • Period: Jan 1, 1380 to

    Chapter 19-20 - Age of Exploration

  • Mar 4, 1394

    Prince Henry of Portugal is Born

    Prince Henry of Portugal is Born
    Prince Henry, better known as Henry the Navigator, was an important figure in the early days of the portugese empire and the age of exploration. He was a big help in the development of european exploration and trade with other countries.
  • Apr 28, 1402

    Yonglo becomes Ming Emperor

    Yonglo becomes Ming Emperor
    He sponsered many chinese exploration voages in Asia
  • Jul 11, 1405

    Zheng He captains his first voyages

    Zheng He captains his first voyages
    This was the first of seven grand voyages that had some fleets with up to 60 ships and over 25,000 people.
  • Oct 13, 1409

    Donatello creates his David statue

    Donatello creates his David statue
    The David statue gained political meaning for the city of florence, it was also very traditional.
  • Mar 10, 1450

    Johann Gutenberg creates the printing press

    Johann Gutenberg creates the printing press
    The printing press helped print books faster, increasing literacy rates.
  • May 29, 1453

    Fall of the Constantinople to the Turks

    Fall of the Constantinople to the Turks
    This marked the end of the Byzantine empire, which lasted for over 1000 years!
  • Oct 6, 1453

    The end of the Hundred Years' War

    The end of the Hundred Years' War
    Bordeaux surrendered
  • May 11, 1488

    B. Dias reaches cape of good hope

    B. Dias reaches cape of good hope
    Dias was making a voage to india, he wanted to go farther but his crew refused. It was on the return voyage that he discovered the cape of good hope.
  • Nov 25, 1491

    Ferdinand and Isabella end war with the muslims

    Ferdinand and Isabella end war with the muslims
    This was significant because it made it possible for C. Columbus to travel to the americas in 1492.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    C. Columbus spots land in North America

    C. Columbus spots land in North America
    He was traveling to the East Indies and that;s where he thought he was. He called the people he saw there indians. Turns out he was in america!
  • Jun 7, 1494

    Spain and Portugal agree to Treatyof Tordesillas

    Spain and Portugal agree to Treatyof Tordesillas
    The treaty was an agreement to divide non european land between them for exploration.
  • May 20, 1498

    Vasco de Gama lands in India

    Vasco de Gama lands in India
    On this day he landed in Calicut which opened up many trade opportunities and helped many economies.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    Chapter 22 events

  • Feb 2, 1500

    Nicolaus Copernicus begins studying planetary movement

    Nicolaus Copernicus begins studying planetary movement
    After he studied for 25 years, he reasoned that everything revolved around the sun.
  • Apr 20, 1501

    Amerigo Vespucci charts New World coast

    Amerigo Vespucci charts New World coast
    He described his travels in detail, and a mapmaker made them into the best map that he could. So America was named after Amerigo Vespucci.
  • Oct 21, 1503

    Leonardo DaVinci starts the Mona Lisa

    Leonardo DaVinci starts the Mona Lisa
    Many tecniques used in this painting are still used today
  • Apr 30, 1504

    H. Cortez lands on Mexican coast

    H. Cortez lands on Mexican coast
    As captain general of the Armada, he was told to find the land past the oceanic horizon. Cortez and his man first spoted land now called the coast of Yukatan.
  • Jul 1, 1508

    Michelangelo paints the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

    Michelangelo paints the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
    There were many problems making this for Michelangelo but it still turned out to be a great masterpiece
  • Sep 4, 1510

    Raphael paints School of Athens

    Raphael paints School of Athens
    Sparked new ideas artistically, thought to have painted himself in this picture.
  • Jan 10, 1513

    Machiavelli writes The Prince

    Machiavelli writes The Prince
    The book was written in vernacular language so more people could read it.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther posts 95 Thesis

    Martin Luther posts 95 Thesis
    This was the start of the protestant reformation
  • Aug 28, 1522

    First slave revolts in Hispaniola

    First slave revolts in Hispaniola
    20 slaves revolted in Hispaniola. This revolt started the "fire" for slave revolts to become very continuous.
  • Nov 16, 1532

    F. Pizarro meets Atahualpa

    F. Pizarro meets Atahualpa
    Pizzaro had a plan to kidnap Atalupa during a meeeting with him.Pizzaro did not believe he he was going to have much success due to the fact that Atalupa had a very large militia. When Atalupa came to the meeting, he brought along 2000 unnarmed men. Atahualpa was kidnapped by Pizzaro's men and his army defeated.
  • Mar 10, 1533

    Ivan the Terrible takes the thrown

    Ivan the Terrible takes the thrown
    Called himself tczar, won great victories, added great lands to Russia, but also excecuted many boyars as he thought they poisened his wife.
  • Period: Mar 10, 1533 to

    Chapter 21

  • Apr 8, 1534

    jacques cartier claims land in canada

    jacques cartier claims land in canada
    Cartier's explorations of the Canadian coast laid the basis for French claims to North America.
  • May 19, 1536

    Anne Boleyn is executed

    Anne Boleyn is executed
    Greatly helped in the protestant reformation. Sparked equality questions about men and women.
  • Jan 19, 1537

    Edward VI is born

    Edward VI is born
    Edward was the first born son of Henry VIII. He started ruling at 9 years old.
  • Apr 19, 1539

    Ignatius of Loyola founds the Jesuit order

    Ignatius of Loyola founds the Jesuit order
    Is considered a MAJOR leader in the counter-reformation because many people were becoming protestant and he brought many back to the catholic faith.
  • Jul 19, 1553

    Mary I becomes queen

    Mary I becomes queen
    Known as bloody mary for burning many at the stake for heresy
  • Nov 17, 1558

    Elizabeth I becomes queen

    Elizabeth I becomes queen
    Brought the religion of anglican/protestant back to her country
  • Mar 10, 1580

    Philip II inherits Spain, Spanish Netherlands and American Colonies

    Philip II inherits Spain, Spanish Netherlands and American Colonies
    Created the largest navy called the armada and an army to spread catholicism around the globe
  • The Defeat of the Spanish Armada

    The Defeat of the Spanish Armada
    English warships outmanuevered teh spanish vessels. It dealt a crippling blow to spain's dominance on the high seas. Also opened the way for the rest of europe to venture into the Americas.
  • English East India Company is founded

    English East India Company is founded
    This was made for trade with the Indies but ended up trading a lot with the Indian sub-continent
  • Johannes Kepler mathematically proves Copernicus and Brahe

    Johannes Kepler mathematically proves Copernicus and Brahe
    He was continuing their work and concluded the ideas were true.
  • Dutch East India Company is founded

    Dutch East India Company is founded
    The Dutch East India company transported goods from Asia to Europe.
  • Don Quixote de la Mancha is published

    Don Quixote de la Mancha is published
    often called the birth of the modern European novel. Some thought the book was mocking chivalry, others thought it was about an idealistic person who longs for the romantic past because he is frustrated with his materialistic world.
  • Henry Hudson is last seen

    Henry Hudson is last seen
    He discovered a body of water that was later named Hudson Bay on this trip. In November, 1610, the trip was stuck in ice in Hudson Bay. The crew wanted to leave because of the harsh weather but Hudson would not let them leave. The crew eventually put Hudson, his son, and 7 other crew members in a boat and they were never heard from again.
  • William Shakespeare dies

    William Shakespeare dies
    Wrote many plays that people still preformed after his death
  • Beginning of the 30 Years War

    Beginning of the 30 Years War
    Was a struggle between france and spain.
  • Cardinal Richelieu becomes ruler of France

    Cardinal Richelieu becomes ruler of France
    Made france more powerful by moving against the Hugenots, weakening the nobles power and limited Hapsburg's power by including them in the 30 years war.
  • Charles I takes the thrown

    Charles I takes the thrown
    known for often dissolving Parliament because of money
  • Galileo piblishes his many findings in "Dialogie Concerning the Two Chief World Systems"

    Galileo piblishes his many findings in "Dialogie Concerning the Two Chief World Systems"
    It showed that Galileo supported the Copernican theory. The church then forced him to say he didn't believe in those ideas. He lived the rest of his life on house arrest, but his ideas still spread all over Europe.
  • Rene Descartes lays out his scientific method in "Discourse on Method"

    Rene Descartes lays out his scientific method in "Discourse on Method"
    This sets forth his scientific method of reasining from the basis of doubt.
  • Frederick William inherited the title of Elector of Brandenburg

    Frederick William inherited the title of Elector of Brandenburg
    He increased teh growth in Prussia by giving Junkers exclusive right to be officers in his army, moving towards absolute monarchy and creating a standing army.
  • Oliver Cromwell was found as a general

    Oliver Cromwell was found as a general
    His new army defeated the Cavaliers
  • Cardinal Mazarian ended 30 Years War

    Cardinal Mazarian ended 30 Years War
    In the time he ruled he ended the war. The peace treaty made France the most powerful country in europe.
  • Thomas Hobbes outlines the social contract in "Leviathan"

    Thomas Hobbes outlines the social contract in "Leviathan"
    He believed that all humans were naturally selfish and wicked, and that we need the government to keep us in order.
  • Charles II begins reign

    Charles II begins reign
    the period of his rule is called the restoration period, he restored the monarchy
  • La Salle claims mississippi river for spain

    La Salle claims mississippi river for spain
    La Salle sailed from France in August in search for the mouth of the Mississippi River. it helpe dspain gain land
  • New Netherlands becomes New York

    New Netherlands becomes New York
    In 1664, the English sent a fleet to seize New Netherlands. New Netherlands was then changed to New York, named after James, the duke of York.
  • Isaac Newton published his las of gravity in "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy"

    Isaac Newton published his las of gravity in "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy"
    One of the most important scientific books ever writte. The law of gravity explained how the same physical laws governed motion both on the earth and in the heavens.
  • John Locke justifies rebellion in "Two Treaties on Government"

    John Locke justifies rebellion in "Two Treaties on Government"
    The book served to justify the overthrow of James II. Locke's theory had a deep influence on modern political thinking.
  • Peter the Great became sole ruler of Russia

    Peter the Great became sole ruler of Russia
    Was the sole czar (ceasar)
  • Peter the great embarked on the great embassy

    Peter the great embarked on the great embassy
    Westernized Russia
  • End of the war of the spanish succession by the signing of the Treaty of Utrecht

    End of the war of the spanish succession by the signing of the Treaty of Utrecht
    Louis's grandson was allowed to remain king of spain so long as the thrones of France and Spain were not united.
  • Gabriel Fahrenheit makes the first mercury-in-glass thermometer

    Gabriel Fahrenheit makes the first mercury-in-glass thermometer
    This is something that is still used today.
  • Denis Diderot publishes the first volumes of his encyclopedia

    Denis Diderot publishes the first volumes of his encyclopedia
    This was used to put together many of the works of scholars and enlightened thinkers. It is someting still used today.
  • Mary Wollstonecraft is Born

    Mary Wollstonecraft is Born
    She was one of the women thinkers that wrote about and beilived women should have an education.
  • End of 7 Years War

    End of 7 Years War
    British emerged as victors because they gained sole domination of India economically
  • Seven Years' War begins

    Seven Years' War begins
    This war is said to be the product of the localized rivalry between British and French colonies.
  • The start of the Partition of Poland

    The start of the Partition of Poland
    Russia, Prussia and Austria all tried to assert their influence in poland. In 1772 they all took a piece of it for themselves.
  • Catherine the Great puts down the serf rebellion

    Catherine the Great puts down the serf rebellion
    Catherine had previously favored ending serfdom, after the rebellion she changed her mind.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Raiders dumped 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor. This was a protest against the import tea tax. The boston tea party caised Goerge III to close the port.
  • Joseph II abolishes serfdom

    Joseph II abolishes serfdom
    Joseph II had many reforms, this was one of his most radical ones. Sadly, after his death most of the reforms were undone.
  • Delegates at the Constitutional Convention signs the constitution

    Delegates at the Constitutional Convention signs the constitution
    55 delagates signed the constitution, they all shared their basic ideas for a government that we still use today.