History of my Gaming

  • Gameboy Advance

    2003/2004- I remember playing the gameboy advance, My sister had a purple one and I had a pink one. My Aunt Jackie purchased them for us as we always wanted to play with hers and she loved spoiling us. I actually still own my Pink one to this day… my mom is a bit of a hoarder haha.
  • GameCube

    2005 - When I was about 5 or 6, we (My older sister and I) were living with my mom’s boyfriend at the time and he was a huge tech guy/ gamer, I remember being able to play Mahjong or solitaire. We got a purple GameCube and man did that change our life. We CONSTANTLY wanted to play. We played everything from Pokemon to mario kart to SpongeBob to animal crossing. I secretly miss the gamecube version of animal crossing. I still own my gamecube as well.
  • 3DS

    2007- We were gifted a Wii for Christmas which was an upgraded version of the gamecube, we begin playing Mario kart and basically anything Mario related. Around the same time we had the 3DS as well which turned me into a huge harvest moon lover.
  • Wii U

    2012- The Wii U came out and it was very similar to the Wii but the cool concept of having playing on multiple devices and doing different tasks on the handheld versus the screen withe will controller. Being able to access the internet on it as well was cool. We also beat pretty much all the Mario games.
  • Switch

    2018- I purchased a switch because I liked the concept of being able to play old games on a new device. I heard they were eventually going to come out with animal crossing and that peaked my interest. Which they did and I still play!!! I own every Mario game as well!