Map of cambodia

History of Cambodia

  • Feb 5, 1413

    Powerful Khmer Kings rule much of East Asia, including Cambodia

    Powerful Khmer Kings rule much of East Asia, including Cambodia
    Powerful Khmer Kings rule much of East Asia, including Cambodia, and built all kinds of temples and made a masterpeice of engineering.
  • Period: Feb 5, 1413 to

    The History of Cambodia

    This is a history about Cambodia.
  • Aug 19, 1500

    Cambodia started to be visited by more people.

    Cambodia started ro be visited by more people.
  • This is when Cambodia started to see more people coming to Cambdia.

    This is when Cambodia started to see more people coming to Cambodia.
  • Cambodia startes to come under pressure from the Eueropean Countries

  • The country agreed to protection by France.

  • In 1904, two dynasty's switched control of Cambodia

  • The Japanese briefly ousted the French.

  • Cambodia was renamed State of Cambodia after there enemies were driven off

  • Cambodia today, is much like every other place in the world.

    Cambodia today, is much like every other place in the world.
    Cambodia today, is much like every other place in the world, it is more modern than it was before.