
History of Ancient Israel

  • Sep 26, 1001

    King David(Jerusalem) 850-800 B.C.

    King David(Jerusalem) 850-800 B.C.
    Known for making beatiful music. He is rememberd as Israel's greatest king. Made Jerusalem the capital of a new Israelite empire.
  • Sep 26, 1002

    King Solomon(Temple)(Israel/Judah) 800-750 B.C.

    King Solomon(Temple)(Israel/Judah) 800-750 B.C.
    King Soloman was the son of David. He bulit a great temple to house the Ark of the Covenant. Tensions arise after Soloman's death KIngdom split up into the House of David, Judah, and a new independent dynasty.
  • Sep 26, 1003

    Assyrians 722B.C.

    Assyrians 722B.C.
    God allows Assyria to ake over Israel. the Israelites are spread out. Judah still remains independent at this time.
  • Sep 26, 1004

    Babylonians(King Nebuchadnezzar) 605-586B.C.

    Babylonians(King Nebuchadnezzar) 605-586B.C.
    King Nebuchadnezzar takes over Jerusalem. The city is punished by gods will and the temple is destroyed.
  • Sep 26, 1005

    Persians(Cyrus) 515-430B.C.

    Persians(Cyrus) 515-430B.C.
    A small group of Jews return to jerusalem and rebuild the temple. They are allowed to by the current king of cyrus. The Torah is established.
  • Sep 26, 1006

    Ezra 430B.C.

    Ezra 430B.C.
    Ezra the scribe reads the torah in a public square. These first five books of Moses are accepted as a sacred covenant.
  • Sep 26, 1007

    The Greeks(Hellenism) 175-164B.C.

    The Greeks(Hellenism) 175-164B.C.
    Tension between the Jews and the Greek rulers arise. The Greeks desrtoy jewish culture in an attempt to gain political unity.
  • Sep 26, 1008

    Antiochus IV 170B.C.

    Antiochus IV 170B.C.
    He wnet after jews. Burned the Torah, killing families who circumsized their sons, and building a temple to Zues in the jewish temple.
  • Sep 26, 1009

    Maccabees 63B.C.

    Maccabees 63B.C.
    The Hasmon Family leads a revolt(Hebrews), and establish a new independent Kingdom once again with the capital of Jerusalem. Last independent Jewish country until nowaday.
  • Sep 26, 1010

    Hasmonean Family 63-0B.C.

    Hasmonean Family 63-0B.C.
    Three groups of Jews form. The torah is studied and applied to everyday life. Conflict arise and there is a civil war.
  • Sep 26, 1011

    Romans(Pompey) 63.B.C.

    Romans(Pompey) 63.B.C.
    Civil war errupts. Roman general comes from Syria to choose a ruler, but instead takes the throne. for some time opresses Judaea.
  • Sep 26, 1012

    Messiah, year 0

    Messiah, year 0
    Belief grew that a Messiah would come to rescue the people. Some believed that Jesus was this person and some do not.
  • Sep 26, 1013

    1st Rebellion against te Romans(Zealots) 66-70C.E.

    Anti Roman militias called Zealots give jews the idea to revolt. The jews put up a good fight, but were all killed and he temple wa destroyed for good. To this day the western wall stands as the only peice left of th temple.
  • Sep 26, 1014

    2nd Rebellion Against the Romans 132-135C.E.

    2nd Rebellion Against the Romans 132-135C.E.
    Another revolt takes place. Once again it dos not work. Jerusalem is destroyed and any jews that were alive arre not allowed in the city or to practice Judasim. They are only allowed back in on the anniversary that the temple was destroyed to visit the western wall.