history logo design

  • why advertising??

    why advertising??
    Before America was colonized. You needed to advertise so you can trade your product. What they did was placing boards and giving free samples of wine like we see today. This is how evreything started with advertising.
  • text advertismment

    text advertismment
    text advertisments that explain something with words. What it was is to tell a social experience of someting or how something is started. The ad is explaning what the product is like coffee and how the grow them for example.
  • Logos beginning

    The art of logos we're expanding in the 19th century. Innovators in visual arts and lithograohic process such as printing on coins and that's how it was built upon. Logos served as a audience targeter and a name for the company.
  • video ads

    video ads
    When cameras and videos debute it mad a big milestone and advertisments on film is coming in. This was big because its more ways to adveertise things then just a boards.
  • advertising for mobile devices

    When the Internet was introduced to the smart phone advertising was around but it was making way for the mobile phones. This was making a great oppurtunity for advertising because now more people were able to see the advertisement. This gave the advertising world a big expansion.
  • Popup ads

    You heard of these before... These ads are really good for attracting and this brings 13 times more customers or whatever it is than banners. In 2003 they went to a peak of 8.7% for most screens covered with ads
  • Social media

    Social media rolled in around 2005-2006 when it got really popular and this was a way of advertising. Because everyone was getting on the social networks what way but to put your ad there. The advertising opputunitys grew tremendously.
  • getting big

    getting big
    Once advertising got big in the united states the states needed to go big for advertising to compete with other countries for products. Ways of advertising was radio and television. These were basically the ways countries competed against each other.
  • The internet

    The internet
    The internet mad its debut and theres even more ways to advertisment. 5 million people fo the world made its way to the internet and that means more advertising opputunitys. This gives companys a chance to advertise.
  • Logo importance

    Logos are a really critcal aspect of you company. Because the logo would represent you company and it should convey what the company is about. The logo is one of the first things people are attracted to and this sets your company.