Genocides of the 20th Century

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    Congo Genocide

    8,000,000 people killed.
    Leopold II of Belgium decided to colonize Congo. Leopold pledged to suppress the slave trade, promote humanitarian policies, guarantee free trade within the colony, etc. However, by 1890 Leopold violating his promises of free trade, and was solely using Congo for itès ivory and rubber trade. Rebellions were organized, and ambushed army units, while setting fire to rubber vine forests. The army sent soldiers into the forest to find and kill all hiding rebels.
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    Armenian Genocide (Part 1)

    1,200,000 Armenians (1915) + 350,000 Greek Pontians and 480,000 Anatolian Greeks (1916-22) + 500,000 Assyrians (1915-18)
    In 1913 Young Turks gained full control of the government, with their plans to creat a new Turkish empire, uniting all Turkic people. They planned on expanding eastward, which became problematic when there were already Armenian people were already living on their homeland there. All Armenian men who worked for the Turkish army were refused their weapons, and forced to..
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    Armenian Genocide(Part 2) as slaves. Armenian men were arrested throughout the country were taken to the outskirts of their town where they were shot dead. Women, children, and the elderly were ordered to pack a few belongings, they were told they were being relocated to a non-military zone for their safety, however they were actually taken to death marches. During this genocide the Allied Powers issued a warning to Turkey, which had no effect. Eventually Russian attacked the Eastern Front, and World War I ended.
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    Joseph Stalin and the Ukraine Genocide (Part 1)

    23,000,000 (including the Ukraine Famine)
    Stalin inposed the Soviet system of land management,known as collectivization, on the Ukraine. This resulted in a country the seizure of all privately owned farmlands and livestock, in a country where 80% of the people were traditional village farmers. One group of people called Kulaks, who were formerly wealthy farmers that had owned 24 or more acres were left homeless, without any posessions. In Moscow, Stalin imposed a a policy that would.....
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    Joseph Stalin and the Ukraine Genocide

    ...deliberately cause mass starvation and result in the deaths of millions. Stalin ordered a drastic increase in the mandatory quotas of foodstuffs to be shipped out in August, October, and January 1933, until there was no food remaining to feed the Ukrainian population. Stalin closed off the borders of the Ukraine, and refused the entrance of food. Basically turning it into one mass concentration camp.
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    Nanjing Massacre

    Although this was a genocide, it was almost more a gendercide. Women were targetted, killed, and gang-raped. The Japanese military launched a fullscale invasion of China. The men were told that if they were to rape a woman, to kill her after, but to not use bayonets or rifles, to disguise who did the killing. The death toll is unknown because although 150,000 bodies were burried, this does not include the number of people burned, or destroyed.
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    Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust (Part 1)

    12,000,000 (concentration camps and civilians WWII)
    Hitler began his regime, by forcing all people from Jewish decent to wear a yellow star of David. From there he targetted them. He moved all Jews, Gypsys, Homosexuals, and disabled people into ghettos, which did not even remotely meet living expectations of any human being. These people were torn away from their families and friends, and sent to concentration camps, some were brutally murdered in the streets. Most of these people died in gas...
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    Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust (Part 2)

    ...chambers. While others were shot, starved, or even dug their own grave that they later collapsed into from exhaustion.
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    Mao Ze Dong (Tibet Part 1)

    In 1949 China's People's Liberation Army invaded Tibet, killing more than 10,000 people. In 1950 more than 250,000 Tibetans die in prisons and labor camps set up by China's People's Liberation Army. Woman are raped, strilized, and forced to have abortions. (Genocide is NOT and CAN NOT be solely the mass killing of a large group of people, these women must live with this for the rest of their lives.) Children are shut off from Tibetan culture and beatan by teachers and authority figures...
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    Mao Zedong (Tibet Part 2)

    ...Nun's are imprisoned and targetted by the Chinese. They are subjected to extreme methos of torture: dog bites, cigarette burns on their faces and torsos, rape with foreign objects.
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    Mao Ze Dong (China)

    Mao Zedong killed anywhere from 16 to 40 million people, however recent records are leading us to believe that death tolls may reach up to 70 million.
    Mao Zedong set out to increase production level and destroy Chinese family culture, which he called his "Great Leap Forward". During 1966-1969 up to 30 million people were murdered. This number however does not include the number of people he tortured for disagreeing with him.
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    Pol Pot (Part 2)

    ..Foreign languages were banned, as well as newspapers, television stations, radios, bicycles, mail, and telephone usage. Money was forbidden. Cambodia was sealed off from the outside world. Cities were forcibly evacuated, and as many as 20,000 people died along their trip. Pol Pot would basically work people until they died from overwork, malnutrition, and disease.
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    Pol Pot (Part 1)

    1,700,000 people killed.
    The Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot formed a Communist peasant farming society, that resulted in the death of 25% of the country's population from starvation, overwork, and executions. When the United States pulled out of Vietnam, and therefore also Cambodia, Pol Pot's hmer Rouge army, seized control. Pol Pot took after Mao, and decided to attempt his own "Super Great Leap Forward". All foreigners were expelled, and all economic and medical assistance was refused...
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    Saddam Hussein

    600,000 people killed.
    Felt the need to "exterminate" Kurds. Saddam Hussein attacked Kurdish towns with mustard and nerve gases. He sent Iraqi troops into Kuwait, and took hundreds captive. These troops also set more than 700 oil wells on fire, and let oil pour into the Gulf. He killed tens of thousands of people, and burried them in mass graves, and he systematically tortured and inhumainly punished people.
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    Rwanda Genocide

    800,000 people killed in only a few months.
    President Juvenal Habyarimana(a traditional Hutu) had his plane shot down, and thus the war between Hutus and Tutsis began. After years of tension between the Hutus and Tutsis because of the Belgian colonists, the Hutus finally took action. The Hutus basically slaughtered everyone who moved. UN troops withdrew after the murder of 10 soldiers, however there weren't enough soldiers to solve the problem to begin with.