French Revolution

  • Period: to

    Age of Montesqueiu

    Constitutional Monarchy
  • Period: to

    National Assembly

  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    A French Militia of 114 (a predecessor of the National Guard), stormed the fortress and prison Bastille, which reperesented the misuse of power by the French Government
  • Creation of the August Decrees

    Creation of the August Decrees
    -Written by the Third Estate in respone to current disparity
    -In 19 parts, including the Declaration of the Rights of Men.
  • Women's March on Versailles

    Women's March on Versailles
    Hoards of Third Estate women marched on the Palace of Versaille, an example of governmental excess, and forced the royal family back to Paris
  • First National Assembly

    -Called to deal with financial crisis in France
    -Featured elected officials from each estate
  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy passed

    -Turned remaining clergy members into state employees
    -Never adopted by Pope Pius
  • Period: to

    Legislative Assembly

  • Declaration of Pillnitz

    -Declared allegiance of France and Holy Roman Empire
    -Declared support for Louis XVI
  • French Constitution

    -Louis XVI accepts the Constitution of France officially
    -Established popular sovereignty
  • Obligation-National Guard

    -Every male over age 18 had legal obligation to join National Guard
  • Guillotine

    -Guillotine adopted as official means of excecution
  • Brunswick Manifesto Issued

    -Threatened that should the Royal Family be harmed, the civilians would be harmed
    -Inspired even more animosity
  • 10 August

    -Fédéré militias besiege the Tuileries Palace
    -Ending (temporarily) the Bourbon Monarchy
  • Louis XVI Arrested

    -Exiled to Temple, an ancient fortress turned prison
    -Stripped of title and honors
  • Battle of Verdun

    -Battle between French Revolutionaries and Prussians
    -Eventually falls to Prussian forces
  • September Massacres

    -A wave of mob violence in Paris
    -Killed roughly 1,200 trapped prisoners
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    -Killed by revolutionaries
    -At Place de la Révolution
  • Period: to

    The Age of Rousseau

    The Republic
  • Period: to

    National Convention

  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    A series of excecutions aimed at "enemies of the revolution"
  • Law of Suspects Passed

    -In response to the Reign of Terror
    -Ordered the Arrests of all enemies to the revolution
  • Excecution of Marie Antoinette

    -Also in Place de la Révolution
    -Exceuted hairless and in plain white garments, the same day of her sentencing
  • Trial of Girondists

    -Trial of 21, who though opposed to the monarchy, were also against the revolutionaries.
    -Resulted in the excecution of all on the 31st
  • Execution of Louis Phillipe II, Duke of Orleans

    -Tried, sentenced and executed in the span of a day
    -Buried in a mass grave at Madeleine Cemetery
  • Period: to

    The Directory

  • 13 Vendémiare

    -Battle in the Streets of Paris
    -Launching point for the carreer of General Napoleon Bonaparte
    -Republican Victory
  • Battle of Lodi

    -Battle against Austrian forces in Italy
    -Led by Napoleon
    -French Victory
  • Coup d'etat of 18 Fructidor

    -Seizure of power by members of French Directory
    -Supported by directors Barras, Rewbell and La Révellière-Lépeaux
  • Battle of the Pyramids

    -Battle near Cairo, Ottoman Egypt
    -Fought betwen France and the Ottoman Empire (with alleid Mamluks)
    -French Army under command of Napoleon Bonaparte, resulting in French Victory
  • 18 Brumaire

    -A Coup d'etat in Saint-Cloud, overthrowing the Directory
    -Replaced by Napoleon with the French Consulate
  • Napoleon Elected First Consul

    -Napoleon elected first consul of the French Consulate
    -Head of State
  • Period: to


  • Period: to

    Age of Voltaire

    Napoleon's Empire
  • Battle of Marengo

    -Battle in Italy between France and Austria
    -Napoleon defeats Austria, gaining Austrian concessions
  • Machine Infernal- rue Saint-Nicaise

    -Assasination attempt on Napoleon
    -a Royalist movement to remove the Consul from power
  • Condorant of 1801

    -Agreement between Napoleon and Pope Pius VII
    -Solidfied the Catholic Church as the Religious Majority in FRance, and reinstated much of its power
  • Treaty of Amiens

    -Treaty between French Republic and the UK
    -Temporarily ended hostility during the French Revolutionary Wars
  • New Constitution

    -New French consititution is adopted
    -Plebiscite named Napoleon First Consul for life
  • Civil Code Introduced

    -Napoleon introduces a new code of civic conduct
    -Forbade privileges granted by birth, granted freedom of religion, and stated that government jobs should be granted to those most qualified
  • Napoleon: Emperor

    -Napoleon names himself Emperor, creating the position
  • Period: to

    Napoleonic Empire

  • Battle of Trafalgar

    -Naval Battle between the UK and France (accpompanied by allied Span)
    -Decisive British Victory
  • Joseph: King of Naples

    -Napoleon names brother Joseph Bonarparte the King of Naples
    -Continues to appoint family to other positions
  • Holy Roman Empire Abolished

    -Dissolved after a military defeat against Napoleon
    -Began the foundations of the German Empire, as well as the eventual demise of the Hapsburg Empire
  • Berlin Decree

    -Issued by Napoleon following the French success against Prussia
    -Forbade import of British goods to France
  • Continental System Initiated

    -Foreign policy of Napoleanic France
    -More or less a large scale embargo of British and Irish goods imposed on much of Europe under Napoleon
  • Seige of Danzig

    -Napoleon besieges Danzig, then Prussian, during the War of the Fourth Coalition
    -Danzig provided France with an important strategic position
  • Battle of Friedland

    -Battle in the War of the Fourth Coalition, located in Prussia, against Russia
    -Decisive French victory, ending the Fourth Coalition and Franco-Russian hostility
  • Treaty of Tilsit

    -Response to French Vitory at Friedland
    -Treaties with Russian Tsar Alexander and Prussia
    -Formalized the cleint states Kingdom of Wesphalia, Duchy of Warsaw and the Free City of Danzig
  • Imperial Univeristy Founded

    -Founded by Napoleon in 1808 as an institution of higher education
    -Highly centralized and controlled education system
  • Treaty of Schönbrunn

    -Treaty between France and Austria, signed in Vienna
    -Ended the Fifth Coalition during the Napoleanic Wars
  • Battle of Borodino

    -Battle on hometurf of Russia against France, Italy and the Duchy of Warsaw
    -Napoleon captures Moscow, and retreats from Russian Territory
  • Armistice of Pläswitz

    -Seven week Armistice between Napoleon and the Allies
    -Used to buy time between campaigns, and cement the Treaty of Richenbach
  • Treaty of Fontainebleau

    -Treaty during War of the Sixth Coalition between France, Austrian Empire, Prussia and Russia
    -Stripped Napoleon of his powe as French Emperor
    -Napoleon exiled to Elba
  • Six Days Campaign

    -A six day series of victories against the Sixth Coalition: Russia and Prussia
    -Ended in a tactical victory for Napoleon, and secured Paris
  • Napoleon Escapes

    -Napoleeon escapes Elba, his place of exile
    -Begins to return to Paris
  • Battle of Waterloo

    -Battle in Waterloo, Netherlands of France against the entire Seventh Coalition consistent of the UK, Netherlands, Hanover, Nassau, Brunswick and Prussia.
    -Resulted in the ultimate defeat of Napoleanic France
  • Restoration of Louis XVIII

    -Reinstated the Bourbon Monarchy after fall of Napoleon
    -Restored by the entirety of the Seventh Coalition
  • Final Exile of Napoleon

    -Napoleon exiled for the final time
    - Exiled to Saint Helena, a tiny British island in the South Atlantic