"Foundations Period"

  • Intial centers and spread of agriculture, early centers of cilivization

    Intial centers and spread of agriculture, early centers of cilivization
    2.5 million B.C.E- Emergence of Homo sapiens in eastern Africa
    1.25 million B.C.E - Emergence of Homo erectus, wide spread through Asia, Europe, Africa; control of fire.
    150,000 B.C.E- Emergence of Homo sapiens sapiens
    30,000- 25,000B.C.E.- Passage of first people to Americas
    15,000-12,000 B.C.E- Domesticaton of dogs
    10,000 B.C.E- Domestication of sheep, pigs, goats, cattle and the Neolithic Age;development of farming in middle East.
    8000 B.C.E- 7000 First town at Jericho
  • Intial centers and spread of agriculture, early centers of cilivization

    Intial centers and spread of agriculture, early centers of cilivization
    6000B.C.E- 5600 Beans domesticated in Western Hemisphere
    5000 B.C.E - Domestication of Maize; yangshao culture in north china.
    4000 B.C.E- Development of writing, bronze metal working, wheel, plow in Middle east, Sumerian Civilization, founding of flowering of egyptian civilization, indus civilization in south Asia.
    2000 B.C.E-shang Kingdom in china, Babylonian empire in middle east, rise of village culture in Mesoamerica, invasion of india and parts of Mediterreanan, spread of crete, beliefs
  • "Classical period"

    "Classical period"
    551-c. 233 chinese Philosophers; Confucius, Laozi, Mencius, Legalists.
    550 Formation of Persian Empire
    C. 542-483 buddha
    500 B.C.E-Greek wars, Persia Defeated, roman republic, height of heenian culture; Socrates and creek style, Peloponnesian wars, decline of greece, Alexander the great, mauryan empire, hellenstic period.
    300 B.C.E-900C.E Heights of maya
    264-140 Roman expansion in North Africa and eastern Mediterranean.
    250 B.C.E.- 221 Shi Huangdi proclaimed first emperor of china.
  • "Classical period"

    "Classical period"
    202 B.C.E-9 C.e Intial han dynasty; key technical developments of horse collar, Greater Buddhist influence, decline of roman republic
    100 Germans begin contact with Rome; slavs migrate into easter Europe.
    1C.E Han dynasty; invention of paper and compass, Roman Empire, Crcifixition of jesus, han decline, roman territory, decline of rome, nasca culture, Mochica Culture, Anasazi i north Amercia
    220 last Han emperor deposed
  • "Classical period"

    "Classical period"
    250 C.E Declineof Meroe, spread of buddhism
    300-400 yamato claim imperial control Japan, Rise of Axum, Intermedediate Horizon period, second wave of polynesian migrations to hawaii
    312-337 Constantine; Eastern Empire; adoption Christianity, Gupta Empire, Chinese script imported, Large-scale Germanic invasions in Roman Empire
    500 C.E- First Han invasion, Roman Emperor in west, Justinian Eastern emperor, spread of buddhism, Sui dynasty,
    harsha Empire, tang dynasty, spread of lslam; trade in Africa
  • "Classical period"

    "Classical period"
    750C.E - Mississippian Culture, polynrsians to new Zealand
    900 -1200 Toltecs
    1000 height of kingdom of Ghana, Africa
  • "Classical period"

    "Classical period"
    5000 B.C.E- Early japanese Settlement
    2000 B.C.E Germans settled in Denmark
    1200- 700 Vedas composed
    1500-500 polynesian migrations
    1122- 770 Initial Zhou Kingdom
    1000 B.C.E- german Expand southward
    900 Maya begins
    850-250 chavin culture (Andes)
    800 Rise of greek City-states
    800 B.C.E-1000 C.E bantu migration, sub- Sharan AFica
    770-403 Zhou Kingdom; China's classical period
    750-600 B.C.E- Meroe(Kush) rules Egypt
    600 Zoroastrian religion in Iran, legendary ruler in japan
    551-C. 233 Chinese philos
  • Classical Civilization;China

    Classical Civilization;China
    1200 B.C.E- Zhou Dynasty; introduction of a standard spoken language
    551-478 life of confucius
    c.500 Laozi and Daoism
    c.500 Development of chinese calendar
    402-201 Era of the warring states
    250 B.C.E -Qin Dynasty, the first emperor, the great wall begun, a single basic language
    202 B.C.E-220 C.e Han dynasty
    c.200 intr,horse collar, water mill, reign of han wu ti, spread of confucianism
  • Classical civilization; India

    Classical civilization; India
    1600 B.C.E- Aryan invasion of india,Vedic Age
    1200 B.C.E- Sacred vedas composed, Epic age
    750 B.C.E- Era of unrivaled brahman dominance, life of the buddha
    500 B.C.E- Alexander the Great invades india, chandragupta Maurya rules reign of ashoka.
    250 B.C.E- period of greatest Buddhist influence,gupta empire founded, gupta Empire overturned by the huns
  • Classical civilization in the Mediterranean and Middle East

    Classical civilization in the Mediterranean and Middle East
    2000 B.C.E- Indoeuropean invasion of greek penninsula, trojan war
    1000 B.C.E- Rise of greek city- states athen and sparta, epics lliad, odyssey, cryus the great, Roman Republic
    500 B.C,E-Pericles, phidas, sophocles, socrates, twelve table, peloponnesian war, phillip ll of Macedonia, Alexander the great hellenstic period, punic war
    250 B.C.E -Julius Caesar dictator in rome, Augustus caesar power, Roman Empire, birth of jesus
  • Classical civilization in the Mediterranean and Middle East

    Classical civilization in the Mediterranean and Middle East
    1 C.E- Crucifixion of jesus, forced dissolution of independent jewish state by roman
    101-106 Greatest spread of Roman territory
    180 death of Marcus Aurelius; beginning of decline of Roman empire
    250 C.E Constantine adopts Christianity
    476 Fall of Rome
  • The classical period; Directons, Diversites, and Declines by 500 C.E

    The classical period; Directons, Diversites, and Declines by 500 C.E
    c.312-337 Reign of constantine
    370-480 Nomadic invasions of western Europe
    c. 400 Growth of mayan civilization, polynesians reach hawaii
    450 Huns begin to invade India
    476 Collaspe of Rome
    c.500 Buddhism takes root in east and southeast Asia
    c.500 Formation of Ghana
    c.600 beginning of lslam
    618 Tang dynasty in china; glorious cultural period
    700 Shintoism unified into single religion in japan
  • The classical period; Directons, Diversites, and Declines by 500 C.E

    The classical period; Directons, Diversites, and Declines by 500 C.E
    1000 B.C.E- Polynesians reach Fiji, Samoa, Independent kingdom of Kush.
    800-400 Spread of Oimec civilization; Cultivation of maize, potatoes; domestication of turkeys, dogs
    c.300 Rise of Axum
    c.30 Crucifixion Jesus
    c.100 Root crops introduced to southern Africa through trade
    100 Beginning of decline of Han dynasty
    180 Rome begins to decline
    c.200 Extensive agriculture praticed in Japan
    227 Beginning of Sassanid Empire in Persia
    284-305 Reign of Diocletian
    c.300 Ethiopia adopts christianity