
Fall of the Qing by Fah

By fhfahn
  • Period: to

    British Imperialism in China

  • Period: to

    Qing Dynasty

  • Period: to

    Chinese History

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    White lotus rebrllion

    White Lotus Rebellion cause weak government.There were a number of sources of discontent in Qing China. Mainly, many people regarded the government as being weak and corrupt.Discontent was manifest in a series of internal rebellions in the nineteenth century, beginning with the White Lotus rebellion (1794–1804).
  • Population Pressure

    Population Pressure
    When the Qing conquered China in the 1600s they restored peace and promoted the recovery of the agricultural economy This would lay the foundation for the doubling of the Chinese population between 1650 and 1800. By 1800, population pressure was causing environmental damage and poverty. The land was overused and no longer fertile.
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    Opium war1

    The first Opium War. Chinese lost to Britain.
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    Opium war2

    The second opium war chinese also lost to britain.The British won and took control of trade.Also called Arrow war
  • Japan take control of Formosa

    Japan take control of Formosa
  • Period: to

    Communism and facism growing around the world

  • The beginning of the Republic

    The beginning of the Republic
  • Period: to

    Republic of china

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    Warlord era.

    -no control
    -Tribes were in control
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    Civil war

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    The long march 1934-35

    Long March, (1934–35), the 6,000-mile (10,000-km) historic trek of the Chinese communists, which resulted in the relocation of the communist revolutionary base from southeastern to northwestern China and in the emergence of Mao Zedong as the undisputed party leader. Fighting Nationalist forces under Chiang Kai-shek (Jiang Jieshi) throughout their journey, the communist troops crossed 18 mountain ranges and 24 rivers to reach the northwestern province of Shaanxi. from
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    world war2 1939-45

    World War II, also called Second World War,

    World War II: Battle of Stalingrad [Credit: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.]conflict that involved virtually every part of the world during the years 1939–45. The principal belligerents were the Axis powers—Germany, Italy, and Japan—and the Allies—France, Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, and, to a lesser extent, China. The war was in many respects a continuation, after an uneasy 20-year hiatus, from
  • Communists take control.

    Communists take control.
    Communists support Russia.They defend Nationalists. Nationalists run to Taiwan.
  • Start of one hundred flowers campaign

    Start of one hundred flowers campaign
  • Period: to

    Great leap foward

  • Period: to

    The cultural revolution

  • Jiang jeishi took control of KMT 1887 – 1975

    Jiang jeishi took control of KMT 1887 – 1975