Exploration- Kate Snader

  • Nov 14, 1346

    Black Death

    Black Death
    The Black Death was a deadly plague that spread throughout all of Europe by trade routes. It was caused by the tseste fly, which then infected rats on trade ships. Eventually humans that were on these ships developed the disease too, in which they passed it on to others at the towns they stopped in. Overall the plagues killed 25,000,000 million people, which was almost one-third of Europe's total population.
  • Nov 15, 1346

    Part 2 (Plague)

    ...was almost one third of Europe's total population.
  • Nov 14, 1406

    Long-lost Map is Rediscovered

    In 1406, the long-lost map of the famous geographer Ptolomey is rediscovered in western Europe. It instantly becomes the best existing map throughout the whole world. It is best known for demosnastrating the uses of longitudinal and latitudinal lines and terrestrial locations, based on celestial observations.This map influenced many great explorers like Columbus, who was led to believe that Asia could be reached by sailing west from Europe.
  • Nov 15, 1406

    Part 2 (Rediscovered Map)

    ...by sailing west from Europe.
  • Nov 15, 1420


    In 1406, small, highly maneuverable sailing ships were built, known as caravels. These new ships were agile and easier to navigate, with a tonnage of 50 to 160 tons and 1 to 3 masts, with lateen triangular sails allowing beating. Since caravels were smaller and had more of a shallow keel, they could sail upriver in shallow coastal waters. They were mostly used by Portugese sailors in the 15th-16th centuries.
  • Nov 15, 1420

    Part 2 (Caravels)

    ...Portugese sailors in the 15th-16th cenuries during the "Age of Exploration".
  • Nov 15, 1442

    Slaves For Sell

    1442 marks the year that the first black slaves were put up for auction. They were taken from Africa to Portugal in ships of Prince Henry, the "Navigator." During this time there had been little traffic of negroes, until the discovery of the Americas. Then, importation of negroes into Spanish America
    began in order to fill the void in the labor market.
  • Nov 15, 1453

    Constantinople Captured

    In 1453, the great Christian city of Constantinople was captured by the Moslem Turks. The Fall of Constantinople marked the end of the final remnant of the Roman Empire, an empire which had lasted for nearly 1,500 years. It also created a massive blow to Christianity. It is argued that this fall marks the beginning of the Renaissance.
  • Nov 15, 1465

    Part 2 (Stars)

    ...more efficently and effectively.
  • Nov 15, 1465

    Star Navigation Boost

    It was around the year 1465, that the navigation of stars improved immensly from earlier eras. New instruments were created like astrolabes, which used the altitude of stars to determine where the ship was positioned at sea. These were latr replaced by sextants which determined the position of the ship by measuring the angle between the horizon and heavenly body. These devces allowed traveling to happen more efficiently and effectively.
  • Nov 15, 1492

    Part 2 (Columbus)

    ...slightly as the longitude changes.
  • Nov 15, 1492

    "Columbus Sails the Ocean Blue..."

    In 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered the West Indies in the "New World". Though he was not the first European explorer to reach the Americas, Columbus' voyages led to the first lasting European contact with America.This in turn inaugurated a period of European exploration and colonization of foreign lands that lasted for several centuries. He also discovered that compasses will change direction slightly as the longitude changes.
  • Nov 15, 1517

    Reformation Sparked

    In 1517, Martin Luther started the Protestant Reformation in Germany. The efforts of Luther as well as by other "reformers" left the Roman Catholic Church because they objected the doctrines, rituals, and structure of it. These actions then led to the creation of new Protestant churhes. This new faith spread rapidly and caught on by many due to earlier events such as the Black Death.
  • Nov 15, 1521

    Part 2 (Aztecs)

    ...capital of New Spain was then built on the ruins of Tenochitlan.
  • Nov 15, 1521

    Aztecs Conquered

    In 1521, the Aztec Empire finally fell to Spanish forces after they invaded the empire two years before. They were victorious due to a coalition army of Spanish conquistadors and Tlaxcalan warriors led by Hernán Cortés and Xicotencatl the Younger.This conquest was one of the most important campains for the Spanish colonization in the Americas. The capital of New Spain is then built on the ruins of Tenochitlan.
  • Nov 15, 1533

    Atahualpa Hanged

    In 1533 the emperor of the Inca Empire, Atahualpa, was hung by Pizarro; a Spanish conqueror after being held captive for about eight months. Though outnumbered greatly, the Spaniards led a surprise attack on the Incas killing most, and captured Atahualpa but thought he was better alive than dead. Over the course of the next months, he was taught Spanish and laearned the Spaniards ways.
  • Nov 15, 1533

    Part 2 (Atahualpa)

    ...Portugese and learned the Spaniards ways. However, the Spaniards no longer found him important after he handed them great quantites of gold and emeralds, in hopes of being set free and avoid being killed.
  • Nov 15, 1543

    Copernicus Publishes Book

    In 1543 the famous astronomer Nicholas Copernicus published his first book just before his death. It was called De revolutionibus orbium coelestium and it discussed his idea that the earth and planets all revolve around the sun. His book is often regarded as the starting point of modern astronomy and the defining epiphany that began the scientific revolution.This date also marks the year that the first accurate
  • Nov 15, 1543

    Part 2 (Book Published)

    ....revolution. It also marks teh year that Andreas Vesalius published the first accurate book on human anatonmy.
  • Period: Nov 15, 1577 to Nov 15, 1580

    Part 2 (Drake)

    ...modern world are named after him such as Drakes Bay and Sir Francis Drake Boulevard of Marin County, California.
  • Period: Nov 15, 1577 to Nov 15, 1580

    Circumnavigation Complete

    During the period of 1577-1580 Sir Francis Drake became the first Englishman to circumnavigate the world. Drake was an English sea captain, privateer, navigator, slaver, and politician of the Elizabethan era. He was also second-in-command of the English fleet against the Spanish Armada in 1588. He will go down in history as one of the most important explorers in the Renaissance era, and many things in our modern world are named after him.
  • Spanish Armada Falls

    In 1588, Sir Francis Drake with the help of Lord Howard of Effingham, destroyed the Spanish Armada. As the English fleet pursued the Armada up the English Channel in closing darkness, Drake broke off and captured the Spanish galleon Rosario, along with Admiral Pedro de Valdés and all his crew. The Spanish ship was known to be carrying substantial funds to pay the Spanish Army in the Low Countries. As a result of the Armada falling, England became the world's greatest sea power.
  • Part 2 (Armada)

  • Part 2 (Jamestown)

    ...priamary heritage sites.
  • Settlement Established

    In 1607, Jamestown was the first permanent Enlglish settlement established in Virginia. Jamestown would serve as capital of the colony for 83 years (from 1616 until 1699). In 1699, the capital was relocated from Jamestown to what is today Williamsburg, after which Jamestown ceased to exist as a settlement, existing today only as an archaeological site.
    Today, Jamestown is one of three locations comprising the Historic Triangle of Colonial Virginia, along with Williamsburg and Yorktown, with two
  • Telescope Invented

    In 1609, Galileo built his first telescope, using designs from previous scientists. The telescope, one of the central instruments of the Scientific Revolution, soon became the astronomer's most essential tool. Now the astronomer could see countless stars and other faint objects never before visible. As telescopes improved, astronomers continued to push back the boundaries of the known universe.
  • Part 2 (Telescope)

    ...the boundaries of the known universe.
  • Explanation

    I tried to incorpoate many of the major dates and events that had the most impact on the Age of Exploration and the Renaissance time period. I also tried to use a wide variety. I included the Black Death or diseases, new inventions, the fall of empires, as well as famous successful explorations to try to broaden the view on exploration.