U.S Expansionism:1898 - 1919

  • annexation of hawaii

    1891 - the king dies, congress votes to annex the hawaiian islands
  • alvin york

    one of the most decorated soldiers of the United States Army in World War I
  • spanish american war

    ended Spain’s colonial empire in the Western Hemisphere and secured the position of the United States as a Pacific power.
  • roosevelt corollary

    allows americans to use their military power.
  • panama canal

    panama gains independence. and in 1903 U.S. gets rights to build panama canal.
  • dollar diplomacy

    started by president william taft followed by foreign policy.
  • start of W.W.I

    global war that was centered mainly in europe.
  • sinking of the lusitania

    during the First World War, as Germany waged submarine warfare against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
  • sussex pledge

    promise made in 1916 during World War I by Germany to the United States
  • german proclamation

    announced certain men and woman were to be deported to surrounding areas.
  • zimmerman telegam

    proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico
  • U.S enters world war one

    enters ww1 due to the sinking of a U.S ship, germany wanted mexico to attack U.S, and the assasination of Franz Ferdinand.
  • espionage act

    ment to prhibit miltary and prevent support to U.S enemies
  • wilsons 14 points

    a plan to bring world peace
  • battle of argonne forest

    last battle between the american expeditionary forces and german imperial army.
  • end pf worl war 1

    global war ends and treaties are signed, US wins and germny required to pay money to restorations
  • ratification of the treaty of versailles

    ended the state of war between germany and the allied powers.
  • sinking of the U.S.S.

    the boltic sea incedent, april 1952- sinking of the U.S.S. hobson, june 8- U.S.S. libery incedent