Events of 1917

By Karbine
  • The First March Revolution

    With the Tsarist regime, there had been increasing strikes and widespread food shortages. 200,000 strikers joined women, waiting in bread lines, protesting the overthrow of the Tsar. In return, the Tsar ordered his top troops called Cossacks to fire upon them, but refused and instead joined the protestors. This act notably was the reason for the revolution's success. By the end of the day, the protestors controlled Petrograd.
  • The Abdication of the Tsar Nicholas II

    After the control of Petrograd, Moscow had fallen and the Tsar abdicated his throne. He gives his throne to his brother, but he refused. He is sent under house arrest in a cottage or dacha near Moscow. This refusal truly emphasized the ruling of an autocratic country with various of economic problems was proven difficult. This abdication led to Russia becoming a republic.
  • The Provisional Government

    After the abdication of the Tsar, the Duma and the Soviet formed the Provisional Government. The goals of this republic included forming a constituent assembly with a universal secret ballot and legalizing strikes. Significantly, this government was proof of the ending of Tsarism. Although this government had many weakness and shortcomings, like not geting Russia out of the war and lack the mandate to take action.
  • Lenin's April Thesis

    Lenin who had been exile for his revolutionary ideas was smuggled back to Russia through Germany. He was disturbed public's unwillingness to push revolution against the Provisional Government. Henceforth, Lenin gives his famous "April Thesis" in Petrograd. This is where he gives his slogan "Peace, Bread, and Land" adressing the problems facing Russia. This significantly formed the basis of the revolutionaries' fight and Lenin was gained recognition amongst the Bolsheviks and Soviets.
  • The Fleeing of Lenin

    After the failure of the rebellion taken place during July 16 and 18, Lenin was forced to flee to Finland from the angry Provisional Government. He was accused of being a German agent and was simply seen as a threat. Despite his circumstances, Lenin was still able to control the Bolsheviks in Russia. This significantly shows the influence and power that Lenin has towards the Marxist rebellion movement.
  • The State Conference

    This affair was commenced through the rebellions in the July Days. This included present and past leaders coming to meet to solve many of Russia's problems. However, this conference emphasised and stated the rift between Marxist and non-Marxist believers and the conference was in shambles. However, an alliance was formed between the Social Democratics, led by Kerensky, and the Constitutional Democratics, led by General Kornilov.
  • The Kornilov Affair

    With the recent alliance of Kerensky and Kornilov, they both agreed to dispatch troops to Petrograd through threats of the government. However, at the same time, Kornilov betrayed Kerensky and wanted to replace Kerensky as prime minister. Kerensky appealed for help from Kornilov and was saved by the Red Guards/ Bolsheviks Significantly, it showed power they had and the influence of the army was reduced. This helped Lenin's reign, because he controlled the Bolsheviks.