Events living up to the Russian Revolution

  • The Great Northern War

    A conflict led by the Tsardom of Russia. They succesfully contested the Swedish Empire. Northern Europe, Central Europe, and Eastern Europe were part of it. The Sweedish formed alliances. The leaders of this alliance were Peter the Great of Russia, Frederick IV of Denmark–Norway and Augustus II the Strong of Saxony-Poland-Lithuania.
  • Deciembrist Revolt

    Russian Army officers led about 3,000 soldiers. They protested against Nicholas I's assumption of the throne. It took place in the Senate Square in St. Petersburg. Since it was in December, it was named the Deciembrist Revolt.
  • Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs

    In 1856, Alexander II spoke to the gentry of Moscow. He asked them to consider freeing the serfs. In 1858, commities gathered, and agreed to ending serfdom if the Czar decided to. On March 3, 1861, Alexander II issued the emancipation freeing the serfs.
  • Alexander II Assassination

    Every morning Alexander II would ride his carraige to the Mikahailovsky Manege for the military role call. One morning, a youn member of the Peoples Will movement through a bomb. It killed one of th ecossacks, and woundedthe driver and many of the people on the sidewalk, but the emperor was scared, but unharmed. Since that didn't work, there was a back-up. Someone else from the crowd through another bomb at his feet. This bomb tore him apart so badly that he bled to death.
  • The Russo-Japenese War

    This war was faught between the Russian Empire, and the Empire of Japan. They were fighting for Manchuria and Korea. They tried to negotiate but that didn't work. The Japenese then attacked the a naval base in Eastern Russia. The Japenese defeated the Russians a series of times on land and sea, because Russia was un organized. Theodore Roosevelt dcided to mediate, and Russia saw Korea as Japan's, and agreed to evcuate Manchuria.
  • Bloody Sunday

    It started unarmed, and just as a peaceful march to present a petition to Nicolas II. Strike workers and their families met around at six differnt meeting spots. Father Gapon organized and led them. As the groups all met at the city center, te Guards started to shoot and many many were killed.
  • The Revolution of 1905

    It was an uproar of social and political unagreement. Unhappy peasents, military workers, and worker strikes were all part of it. It caused the State Duma of the Russian Empire, the Multi-Party System, and the Russian Constitution of 1906. Some of it was directed at the government, others indirected.
  • World War I

    World War was also called the Great War, because it involved all of the world's great powers. On July 28, the Austro-Hungarian invaded Serbia. Then, the German invaded Belguim Luxembourg and France, then Russia attacked Germany. Germany took responsibility for the damage and agreed to pay to help repair. The Treaty of Versailles is what officially ended the war.
  • Czar Nicholas II abdicates the Russian throne

    Nicholas was crowned in 1894, but had to abdicate the throne on March 15, 1917. The Army Garrison at Petrograd joined striking workers. They were demanding reforms from the socialists. Nicholas was then forced to abdicate.
  • The March Revolution

    This revolution lasted less than a week. Bread rioters, industrial strikers, and disaffected soldiers joined on te streets. The city became chaos as more and more troops deserted. This revolution broke out randomly, there wasnt really any planning or much leadership.