Events leading up to the russian revolution

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    The Great Northern War

    Peter the great started a war between: Russia, Sweden, and Norway. It ended when the leaders all died.
  • decembrist revolution

    decembrist revolution
    A few wealthy people were tired of the rule of Nicolas I and wanted a new leader. They were easily crushed. They provided inspiration for future generation
  • Alexander II frees the serfs

    Alexander II frees the serfs
    He thought that slavery was inhumane. So, he decided to realese the serfs from their land. This sparked my problems and made many solutions.
  • Asasination of Alexander II

    Asasination of Alexander II
    When his power was challenged he acted very harshly. He was eventually killed by assassins.
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    Russo-Japanese war

    Russia interfered in japanese affairs by occupying a Japanese controled china. This sparked a war when they did not get out.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    A group of peaceful protestors marches to the Czar's palace. The Czar's militia opens fire on them. Many were slaughtered.
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    Russian Revolution

    After Bloody sunday, the people began to revolt. They wanted more freedom.
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    World War I

    Russia went into world war 1 with Nicolas 2nd. When the russian revolution dethroned him the dropped out of the war. Due, to food shortages.
  • March revolution

    March revolution
    After world war 1 he lost much of his popularity. He was eventually overthrown by Lenin and his blosheviks.
  • Czar Nicolas II abidicates the throne

    Czar Nicolas II abidicates the throne
    He was forced off the throne after another costly war. He tried to hold on to a autocristy rule. He was unfit to rule from the beginning.