Events Leading Up to the Russian Revolution

  • Great Northern War

    Great Northern War
    The Great Northern War was a war fought between Sweden and Russia, Saxony, Poland, and Denmark-Norway. When Sweden expanded to the coast of the Baltic Sea, This provoked the neighboring countries like Russia because it cut them off from the water ports. This war is important because it concluded with Swedish influence declining and showed that Russia was the major power in that group of countries.
  • The Decembrist Revolt

    The Decembrist Revolt
    A small group of nobles and army officials, in hope to set up a constitutional monarchy, attempted to overthrow the czar's government. This uprising is known as the Decembrist Revolt. Nicholas I quickly stopped the revolt by executing five leaders and exiling hundreds to Siberia. This is important because after the uprising was shut down, Nicholas made some reforms in the legal system such as limiting the power of serf owners. He also tried to unite the large multicultural nation.
  • Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs

    Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs
    By the mid 1800's Russians realized that they needed to become more industrial to keep up with other country's growth such as Europe. However, the serfs slowed down the process of change. The factories could not find enough workers because everyone was serfs. Alexander II freed, or emancipated, the serfs. This is important because it gave the serfs freedoms such as new political rights and the ability to have homes of their own. Alexander II also relaxed censorship and improved healthcare.
  • Assassination of Alexander II

    Assassination of Alexander II
    Because of the slow pace of change, a group of revolutionaries wanted to overthrow the czar and establish socialism in Russia. The group turns to terrorism when their peaceful efforts failed. The group killed officials and assassinated Alexander II with bombs. This is important because his death was a setback for the reform. One of his last ideas before dying was for a Duma, but it was never released. If it would have, Russia's government could have turned out a lot different than it is.
  • The Russo-Japanese War

    The Russo-Japanese War
    Russia wanted to have a warm water port on the Pacific Ocean while Japan wanted to expand into China and Korea. Russia though it could easily beat an Asian country and the countries went to war. Theodore Roosevelt helped the two countries make a peace treaty when the war ended. This event is important because Russia lost all influence in the East. Russians blamed Czar Nicholas II for the loss. The defeat was also one of the reasons the Russian Revolution started.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Georgy Gapon, the leader of the Assembly of Russian Workingmen, arranged a mass demonstration to try and present the workers hope for reforms to Nicholas II directly. On January 22nd, he led workers carrying religious icons and pictures of Nicholas to the Winter Palace square. Nicholas was not there and the chief of security ordered fire on the workers. This event is important because it marks the beginning of violence for the Russian Revolution and started a new series of strikes and uprisings.
  • Revolution of 1905

    Revolution of 1905
    Brought on by Bloody Sunday, the Revolution of 1905 consisted of riots and strike across Russian cities. In the country peasants robbed and burned the homes of landowners.This event is important because Nicholas II agreed to set up a Duma, or elected assembly but because an autocratic ruler was still in charge, unfairness still remained.
  • World War I (Russian Involvement)

    World War I (Russian Involvement)
    Russia entered World War I with the largest army in the world. They were directed by General Sukhomlinov, the Russian ministry of war. Russia entered the war against Germany. During the war Russia was doing badly due to lack of food and supplies that were needed. This is important because it marked the start of the Russian Revolution which turned Russia into a communistic land.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    There was an outbreak of riots and strikes in Petrograd, the Russian Capital. The people were protesting the shortage of food and the war. Troops were sent out when the riots began to spread, to restore peace. Some soldiers joined the crowds in protest.The news of the strikes spread throughout russia. This event is important because one week after the riots started, Nicholas II abdicated the throne. This sent Russia into a stage of Provisional Government which had many problems of its own.
  • Czar Nicholas II abdicates the Russian throne

    Czar Nicholas II abdicates the Russian throne
    One week after the riots in Petrograd started, Czar Nicholas II abdicated the throne. The restore order in the country a Provisional Government was set up temporarily. This was the first time Russia had a government based on written laws instead of decrees. This event was important in the Russian Revolution because it started the creation of Soviets which were made to challenge the new government and started the Bolshevik Revolution.