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Events Leading to the Russian Revolution

  • The Decembrist Revolt

    The Decembrist Revolt
    A small gorup of nobels and army officers want to set up a consitutional monarchy. So they had an uprising in Russia in which the small group tried to overthrow the czar's goverment. Czar Nicholas I executed five leaders and exiled hundereds in Sibera. THese people in the revolt were later known has heros.
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    Czar Alexander II Emancipated the Serfs

  • Assassination of Alexander II

    Assassination of Alexander II
  • Russo-Japense War

    Russo-Japense War
    A conflict with japan over Korea and Machria led to the war which resulted in a stunning defeat for Russia and increased economic hardships at home.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    After the crisis at home from the conflict with Japan, Father Georgi Gapon planned a peaceful march of factory workers to the czar's palace. Owrkers would present a petition to Nicholas !!, asking for better working conditions and some political freedoms. on January 22, 1905 they all marched to the palace carrying banners of the czar and his wife while signing "God Save Thy People." But, instead of getting sympahty they were shot down by soliders, 100 marchers had died and hundereds were severly
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    Revolution of 1905

    Riots and strikes swept the cites amd in the countryside peasants looted and burned the homes of landowners all because they were horrified from the events of Bloddy Sunday. To end this violence Czar Nicholas finally agreed to set up an elected assembly called the Duma and to make other minor reforms. But, the reforms failed to resaolve the basic problems. Inequailty and repression still existed in Russia. Discontent was throughout many groups such as; peasants, and national minorities.
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    World War I

    The war ended because the Russians took their loyalty for granted There wasnt very good food supply, and a shortage on gun supply In January 1917 Nicholas has control of the war
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    The March Revolution

    Riots and strikes erupted in Petrogra, angry crowds protested the war and shortages of food. When the demonstrations began to spread, the government sent troops to resotre oder. Many soliders refused to fire on the crowds, some had even joined the protestors.
  • Czar Nicholas II abdicated

    Czar Nicholas II abdicated
    A week after the Petrograd riots began he had abdicated. To restore order, leaders of the Duma set up the Provisional Government. Introduced reformssuch asfreedom of speech and religon. For the first time Russia would have a government based on written laws rather than on decress of czar.