Events Leading to the Russian Revolution

  • The Great Northern War

    THE GREAT NORTHERN WAR- It began in 1700 and countinued until 1721 It started becuase Peter the Great lead a battel into Sweden territory to take their land headin to the baltic sea.
  • The Decembrist Revolt

    THE DECEMBRIST REVOLT- was when a small group of military officals and high nobal men rose a revolt against Tsar Nicholas I. The revolt was over turned quickly and the Tsar exicuteed the leaders and sent 100's more to Siberia for excile.
  • Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs

    CZAR ALEXANDER II EMANCIPATES SERFS- Czar Alexander finally unbound the serfs from there land giving them freedom though after this happened most serfs lives didnt get any better.
  • The Assassination of Alexander II

    ASSASSINATION ALEXANDER II- In St. Petersburg Russia Alexander II died from assassination when two bombs were set off unsecsessfully on the empire. Until Ivan Emelyanov hid his bomb in a briefcase and sucsessfuly was able to murder the empire
  • Czar Nicholas II abdicates the Russian throne

    CZAR NICHOLAS II ABDICATES THE RUSSIAN THRONE- Czar Nicholas II had no experience in being a leader and saught to preserve the era in desperate change.
  • Bloody Sunday

    BLOODY SUNDAY- Prector Donmanch n Fola lead a group of peaceful protesters to the zcars palace so that there voice could be heard. Czar Nicholas I freaked and had his soldiers fire at them.
  • The Russo-Japanese War

    THE RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR- it was said to be the first great war of the 20th centary. Japanese formed a Naval attack on Port Arther. Imperialisum grew quickly and war was declared the Japanese were sucsesful in the war but they were hit just as hard as the Russians.
  • The Revolution of 1905

    THE REVOLUTION 1905- started after the Firin on the comman peace march workers on what is now called Bloody Sunday. The poor would rade and Burn nobal mens homes but it was mainly a political unrest spreding throughout Russia
  • World War I (Russian Involvement)

    WORLD WAR I- Russia mainly became ivolved in the World War when there leader was assanitated by a group of German Terrorists because Germany wanted to take power. Before the 2nd world war began it was called the Great War and for Russia it ended in 1918
  • The March Revolution

    MARCH REVOLUTION- it was a Revolotion against the St. Petersburg gaurds and the Czar. During the revoltion they sucsefuly assasinated the Csar, Nic olas II, and his family before the white guard could save them.