Russian revolution

Events Leading to the Russian Revolution

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    Events Leading Up to the Russian Revolution

  • The Great Northern War

    The Great Northern War
    The Great Northern War was an event fought between Sweden's Charles XII and Russia's Peter the Great leading his coalition. In 1718 Charles XII died. The people of the Baltic become more and more afraid of Russia. By the end of the war, which lasted 21 years, the leading power in the Baltic region was replaced by Peter the Great's Russia.
  • The Decembrist Revolt

    The Decembrist Revolt
    The Decembrist Revolt happened in the month of December 1825 when a group of military officials staged a revolt against Czar Nicholas I. These military officials staging the revolt were librals who felt threatened by some of the new ruler's views. They were no match for the Czar's forces and were defeated. After this event Nicholas I created new regulations to, hopefully, make sure that this would never happen again.
  • Czar Alexander ll Emancipates the Serfs

    Czar Alexander ll Emancipates the Serfs
    In 1861, Czar Alexander II decided to emancipate the serfs, or free them. The government ended up giving a lot of land to "ex- serfs," taking away land from nobles. This led to a lot of riots and many people were unhappy about the Emancipation to free the serfs.
  • The Assassination of Alexander II

    The Assassination of Alexander II
    On exactly March 13, 1881 in St. Petersburg Czar Alexander II was assassinated. He was assassinated in the streets by a bomb thrown at him from a member of the revolutionary "People's Will" group. This group had made several attempts of killing the czar before they finally did in 1881.
  • The Russo- Japanese War

    The Russo- Japanese War
    This war was a war fought between the Russian Empire and the Empire of Japan. Some say this war was the "first great war of the 20th century." Before the Declaration of War had even reached the Russians, the Japanese Imperial Navy had already attacked the Russian Far East Fleet at Port Arthur. In the end, the Japanese had won the war and Russia was defeated.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Bloody Sunday was the day that Father Gapon led a march of 200,000 workers to the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. When the Czar saw the people coming towards the palace he ordered his soldiers to take care of the huge croud. The fired at the un-armed people until they all went running. 100 people died and 3,000 were wounded. It was called "Bloody Sunday" because the snow at the time around the palace was stained red from the blood of the people in the march.
  • The Revolution of 1905

    The Revolution of 1905
    The reason for the Revolutuion of 1905 was because many people were upset with the government and how it was being run. The revolt was very unorganized and it caused worker strikes, peasant unrest, and military mutinies. Something that was a part of the Russian Revolution of 1905 was Bloody Sunday that was also lead by Father Gapon.
  • World War 1 (Russian Involvement)

    World War 1 (Russian Involvement)
    World War 1 was the first world war, fought between most of the world. There were two sides in the war, and Russia was on the winning side. Even though Russia was one of the winners of World War 1, they suffered a lot of loss and the war had a devastating impact on Russia.
  • Czar Nicholas II Abdicates Throne

    Czar Nicholas II Abdicates Throne
    On exactly March 15, 1917 was when Czar Nicholas ll abdictated the throne and was the last Russian czar. Surprisingly, abdictating the throne was not Nicholas ll's idea, he was actually forced. After being forced to abdictate the throne, he was then replaced by a provincial government and there were no more czars leading Russia.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    The March Revolution was a led up to by a series of many revolutions, which led to the creation of the Soviet Union. Some things that were all parts of the revolutions were the protests and many different, seperate, revolutions that were going on to try to get rid of the government that they had at the time. The March Revolution, which is the Russian Revolution is also said to have led up to the February Revolution in 1917.