
  • 220

    the invention of paper

    the invention of paper
    Cai lun was a chinese enuch who greatly reformed the art of papermaking.
  • 570

    Islam beginnings

    Islam beginnings
    The prophet Muhamnad was the first to discover it
  • Oct 15, 1440

    Middle passge

    Middle passge
    the middle passage was used for kidnapped or bought african trade
  • Oct 15, 1450

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    the printing press was invented by Gutenburg whuch cause literacy rates to go up
  • Oct 15, 1492

    Colunus sponserd by Queen Isabella

    Colunus sponserd by Queen Isabella
    Queen Isabella sponsered Columbus' voyage of discovery
  • Oct 9, 1495

    The Last Supper

    The Last Supper
    Leanardo Da Vinci painted the last supper
  • Oct 9, 1498


    Michelanglo sculpted the Pieta
  • Oct 16, 1509


    John Calvin wa the first to develope the idea of predestination
  • Oct 31, 1517

    95 theses

    95 theses
    Martin Luther nailed the 95 theses to the door of the Castle Churvh
  • Aug 10, 1519

    circumnavigating the eath

    circumnavigating the eath
    Ferdinand Magellan and his crew are the ones responble for circumnavigating the earth
  • May 23, 1533

    Henry VIII and Catherines Divorce

    Henry VIII and Catherines Divorce
    Henry broke away from the catholic chruch just so he can divorce his wife only because she wasnt giving him a son
  • Oct 16, 1534

    Jacques Cartier

    Jacques Cartier
    he was the first to explore the Saint Lawrence river
  • Oct 16, 1534


    the Jesuits are the society of Jesus and were founded during the counter reformation
  • Oct 15, 1547

    Aztec empire overhtrown

    Aztec empire overhtrown
    Cortes the conquistador Overthrows the Aztec empire
  • Oct 27, 1553

    Michael Servetus

    Michael Servetus
    Servetus was burned at the stake for beig a heretic.
  • Dec 4, 1563

    council of Trent

    council of Trent
    Important Catholic Church members met at the council of Trent in reaction to the Protestant reformation.
  • Spanish armada defeated

    Spanish armada defeated
    Sir Francis Drake defeated the spainush armada
  • Edict of Nantes

    Edict of Nantes
    John Calvin issued the Eidct of nantes giving the huegonots the right to worship
  • Elizabeth I

    Elizabeth I
    Elizabeth was head if the Anglican Church for 25 years
  • France and the thirty years war

    France and the thirty years war
    Henry IV got France involved in this war