Europe in the Midlle Ages

  • 146

    Roman Empire is the Greatest Empire of All Time

    Roman Empire is the Greatest Empire of All Time
    146 BC - 476 AD. The event is about the greatest empire in the world that is the Roman Empire. They provided safety to everyone. Respectful to Greeks and let them have most of their culture, writings, language, and ways of life. They were famous for iventing concrete, building roads, speaking latin, and building aqueducts. The effect was they gave us an example of republic government and gave us our calendar.
  • 476

    Fall of Rome

    Fall of Rome
    The event is about when Rome starts to crumble and falls apart. What caused this event is when a germanic tribe destroyed rome. The effect of this even is that people felt not safe to travel and trade and movement decreased.
  • 500

    The Catholic Church

    The Catholic Church
    500-1500 AD. No unity until the Catholic Church took power and became a strong political force. They were the voice of God and if you disagreed with them you disagreed with God. Effect is people believed them and paid them to forgive their sins.