Europe in the Middle Ages

  • 146

    Roman Empire is the Greatest Empire in the World

    Roman Empire is the Greatest Empire in the World
    The Roman Empire caused safety to all of the land it controls. The Roman Empire lead to building roads, speaking latin, giving us an example of a Republic Government, giving us our calender system, and inventing concrete and auquaducks.
  • 476

    The Fall of Rome

    The Fall of Rome
    The Fall of Rome caused the dark ages. It lead to Rome getting destroyed.
  • Aug 28, 700


    Feudalism caused the medieval manor. It lead to Kings, Nobels, and Serfs. It also lead to Charlemagne becoming King.
  • Nov 29, 1096


    The Crusades caused the Muslims to take over the holy land. It lead to trade increases between Europeans and Asians. People now feel safe to travel, people started to leave the Manor to go trade and travel, Greek and Roman writings. It starts the Renaissance, and they experienced goodies like tea and silk.
  • Apr 10, 1350

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    The Renaissance caused the Bulbanic Plague that killed 1/3 of the Europeans. It lead to art, humanity, education, reading humanism.
  • Jan 31, 1400

    Protestent Reformation

    Protestent Reformation
    The Protestant Reformation caused Luther to rebell agianst the Catholic Church athority. It lead to the Catholic Church.
  • Feb 9, 1450

    The Printing Press

    The Printing Press
    The Printing Press caused books to be more accessable to the common person. It lead to spreading the Renaissance Movement. The Catholic Church lost power and Bibles were printed.