Europe in the middle ages

  • 146

    Roman empire

    Roman empire
    in the middle ages rome had provided saftey to all lands in control. Rome was respectful to the greeks. i learned these things affected the fall of rome.
  • 456

    fall of Rome

    fall of Rome
    The fall of rome caused the dark ages rome was. the fall of rome happened because rome was sacked by a germanic tribe. people did not feel safe to travel from one land to another. the fall of rome also cause the dark ages.
  • 500

    the catholic church.

    the catholic church.
    during the catholic churches rule the most wealthiest and strongest made the rules. there was no unity until the catholic church stepped up and became a strong political force. the power they used was that they where the voice of god and if youo disagreed with them you disagreed with god. the also used indulgences.
  • Sep 26, 700


    the people who had power also known as kings and nobles wanted to make sure it was easy to keep things in order. if your parents where a serf that ment that you had to be a serf. feudlism helped lead to the crusades also.
  • Sep 26, 1096

    the crusades

    the crusades
    the crusades cause the muslims to take over the holy land. trades increased during the crusades it increased between eurpeans and the asians. the reason the trade increasd is becuase people were not afraid to travel. some effects he crusades where people start to leave the manor to go trade and travel. feudlism weakens during this time. during this time the crusades had found out that the muslims had preserved ancient greek and romen writings. the crusades lead to the renesaunts.
  • Sep 26, 1200

    feudlism weakens

    feudlism weakens
    as feudlism weakens kinds start to gain power again. when the kinds stared to gain power again nations had started to form. as feudlism weakens the rennasaince was starting to happen
  • Sep 26, 1350


    a cause of the rennasiance was the bubonic plaque.the rennasaince was also known as the middles ages where people started to form diffrent groups and where most technolgy had started. this helped lead to the prinitn press.