
Ethnic Cleansing

  • 350

    Acient Chinese Ethnic Cleansings

    Acient Chinese Ethnic Cleansings
    Ancient Chinese records state that General Ran Min wanted to exterminate the Wu Hu, more specifically the Jie people. They killed people due to physical characteristics. People with high-bridged noses and very bushy beards. In total 200,000 people were killed.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1492 to

    Spainish Cleansing

    In 1492 Spain expelled the Jews living there, then they expelled their Muslims in 1502. Then they forced the remaining Muslims to Christianity. After 1571 almost 80,000 of these converted Muslims were expelled from Spain.
  • Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson
    President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act which forcefully removed the Native Americans from their home, and made them travel thousands of miles to a new destination. Thousands of people also died during this due to diseases and many other hardships on the journey. This could be marked as a form of genocide.
  • The Greeks

    The Greeks
    The Greek army in the Yalova-Gemlik Peninsula brought down dozens of Turkish/Muslim villages with fire as an act of genocide and ethnic cleansing
  • Nazi

    Between 1939-1945 the german Nazi forced began rounding up Jews and homosexuals and executed them in gas chambers in an act of genocide.
  • Turkey

    September 5-6, 1955, the Istanbul Pogrom was launched. Backed by the Turkish government, the army of Turkey attacked the Greek population of Istanbul. The ethnic cleansing contributed greatly to the gradual extinction of the Greek minority in the city. The population of about 100,000 went down to about 2,500.
  • Rwanda

    In 1962, the Hutus ethnically cleansed most of the Tutsis because of fear that the Tutsis would take over the newly independent country. However, the Tutsis retaliated and forced 3 million Hutus to flee to neighboring countries.
  • Bangladesh

    During the Bangladesh War of Independence of 1971, the Pakistan army committed a genocide, executing about 100,000 to 3 million people and around 10 million Bengalis, fled the country and became refugees.
  • Kosovo

    Kosovo was taken over by Serbia and they launched an ethnic cleansing campaign to cleanse the Albanian majority. 750,000 Albanians were forced to move to Albanian camps. The United States and the Western European Democracies launched attacks against Serbia. This forced Serbs to give up the cleansing and leave Kosovo.
  • ISIS

    Currently, the extremist terrorist Islamic based group, ISIS, has been killing christians and Americans as an act to pure the land of these people.