Ellis Island Immigrant

  • Birth Date

    My name is Hannah Lieberher. I was born into a poor family in Germany on November 23, 1836. We had a big family and I am one of the oldest children now. Life was very hard in Germany because of poverty, sickness, lack of food, and so on. There was not enough food for our whole family, and since my dad has died my mother has to take care of all the children. So I decided to go to America and find a job so that

    my family could survive a while longer. I hope to gain money in America.
  • Arriving at Ellis Island

    After being on a sea voyage to the United States for about a week, I have finally made it to Ellis Island. The sight of land made me want to shout for joy! I had to then go through medical and legal inspections that would decide if I can go into the United States offically. I am praying that I will make it through this, because this is my only chance to save my family.
  • Finding a Job in America

    It will be hard to find a job here when I am only a 14 year old girl. Hopefully I will also find a place to stay, because winter will be here before I know it. As I was walking around New Jersey looking for a job, I saw a woman yelling at a girl around my age and I heard the word "fired". I then went along with my searching and the woman who was just yelling looked at me and then called me over to her. She told me I could have a job as a baker here at the house we were in front of!
  • Working Hard

    It has been about a year since I moved to America and found a job as a baker. I have been made a servant as well and I have to work hard scrubbing floors of the house everyday. My boss who is the head cook strongly dislikes me. She hits me if I do something wrong, especially if I burn food, which I have done once or twice. I have bruises from being kicked and slapped by her and I don't know how much more I can take of this job. But I am doing this for my family back home in Germany.
  • Fired

    Today in the house I work at, there was a robbery! It was like any other day and I was the last servant in the house cleaning up, and it was my responsibility to lock up for them. I guess I forgot to lock one door and theives that have been stealing all over this area broke in and stole many priceless items. It was my fault because I didn't lock up, and the owners of the house fired me, and I am now on the streets being forced to beg for food to survive.
  • Returning Home

    After being fired and having to live on the streets, I decided to return home to Germany. I have enough money to go home and also a lot of money to feed my family and I. It was a great adventure staying in America for a little more than a year, and I can't wait to tell my family about it.