Eli Whitney-timeline project AC

By acolli3
  • born dec 8, 1765

    born dec 8, 1765
    Eli Whitney was born in dec 8, 1765. he was born in Westboro,massachusetts.
  • it was the first cotton gin in U.S on jul 6, 1790

    there was the first cotton gin in the U.S
  • he traveled soulth

    he went soulth.
  • why he thought to make it

    he saw how hard it was to separate the seeds from the cotton and, how inportant the cotton was.
  • invinted the Cotton Gin

    invinted the Cotton Gin
    he invinted the cotton gin in march 14, 1794. it separates the seeds from the cotton.It helped America alot. It worked faster so people produced more. That caused more: jobs, factories, cotton, and money but, also raised the slave population because, the more slave you have, the more cotton you make.