
Egypt Timeline

  • 3000 BCE - 1 AD

    3000 BCE - 1 AD
    A) Languages: Old Egyptian , Middle Egyptian, Late Egyptian, Demotic Egyptian B) Political rule: Ruled by Pharaohs and priests. C) Visual or Performing Arts: Reached a high level in painting and sculpture, and was both highly stylized and symbolic. D) Literature: was considered the world’s earliest literature. E) Religion: ancient Egyptian religion was a complex system of polytheistic beliefs and rituals. F) Social/Economic/Medical: Agriculture created most of Egypt's wealth.
  • 1 AD – 1450 AD

    1 AD – 1450 AD
    A) Languages: Coptic. B) Political rule: Under control of Romans in 30 BCE and Arabs in 646 AD. C) Visual or Performing Arts: Had the impacts of Romans and Arabs art. D) Literature: Several important changes occurred during this time which affected Egyptian writers (Islam writing). E) Religion: Egypt's native religious culture was continually in decline. f. Social/Economic/Medical: The system was self-perpetuating: each household continued to purchase slaves with which to renew itself.
  • 1450 AD - 1900 AD

    A) Language: hieroglyphs. B) Political rule: part of the Mamluk Empire, this Empire spanned from Lebanon to Libya. C) Visual or Performing Art: a profusion of spectacular monuments dating across three millennia. D) Literature: Medieval Egyptian folklore was one of three distinct layers of storytelling which were incorporated into the 1001 Nights. E) Religion: Multiple gods. F) Social/Economic/Medical: the Portuguese domination of the Indian Ocean undermined Egypt's pivotal role in world trade.
  • 1900 AD - 2008 AD

    A) Language: Arabic. B) Political rule: With Algeria and Tunisia formal French settler colonies and Egypt a British Protectorate. C) Visual or Performing Art: artists are determined to break away from earlier Orientalist styles. D) Literature: writers work for the revolution, raising national consciousness and recording the struggle for independence. E) Religion: polytheistic. F) Social: new open policy toward Western style, economic privatization and liberalization follows in Egypt.
  • Current

    A) Language: Modern Style Arabic. B) Political rule: The President of the Arab Republic of Egypt is Mohamed Morsi. C) Art: modern art was an essential visual expression of their national identity and freedom from foreign oppression. D) Literature: Poetry in Egypt plays a far more central role in literary and popular culture. E) Religion: Muslim. F) Social: Despite thigh levels of economic growth, living conditions for the average Egyptian remained poor and contributed to public discontent.